report was written by Dale Hoyt. The photos are, as always, selected from Don
Hunter’s album of this ramble which can be found here.
Events of Interest to Ramblers:
1. Terry Stewart told us there is an exhibit
on the Dust Bowl currently at the ACC Library. Our library is one of only a few in
the country to be selected for this travelling exhibit.
2. Bob Ambrose will be the featured
reader at Athens Word of Mouth
next Wednesday night (May 6). Here is a link to the text of his reading: To Go To Patagonia – poems from the far lands. Bob tells
me, “The Athens Word of Mouth is a diverse open poetry community, meeting
upstairs at the Globe the first Wednesday evening of each month. Open mike
readings begin at 8:00 p.m. The featured reading is around 9:15. Visitors are
always welcome.”
3. Weds. morning, May 6, there will be a
guided nature walk at Sandy Creek Nature Center. Meet at the Education and
Visitor’s Center at 9:00AM
Twenty three
Ramblers showed up on this beautiful spring morning, including three
first-timers, two of whom were just looking at Athens as a possible retirement
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