Ramble Report April 14 2022

Leader for today’s Ramble, Linda

Link to Don’s Facebook album for this Ramble. All the photos that appear in this report, unless otherwise credited, were taken by Don Hunter.

Today’s emphasis:  Today, we Rambled at Sandy Creek Park, seeking what we found on the White Trail, heading west and north from the boat launch area on the Lakeside Trail.

Ramblers today: 22


”       Gary told us that some of the River Cane at the Botanical Garden has bloomed, something that only occurs after many years of growth, as much as 50 – 100 years. River Cane is monocarpic, a term that describes plants that flower and set seeds only once in their lives, and then die. Since River Cane is clonal, forming patches of many genetically identical stems that are essentially one plant, an entire clone of several to many stems flowers at one time then dies. In this case only a small clone within this particular River Cane stand bloomed, so most of the stems in that part of the Garden will remain alive. The patch probably comprises several clones. It is not known what triggers a particular clone to flower and set seed, though fire or other disturbance is one likely possibility.

”       Emily announced Georgia Museum of Natural History events:  May 20-22 there will be a trip to Broxton Rocks; and, on May 7, the annual meeting for the Friends of the GMNH will be held at the museum annex across Jimmy Daniels Road from the Sam’s Store.

”       Roger announced that the Athens/Clarke Green Lights Awards Festival will be held at the Terrapin Brewery on April 22, beginning at 4 pm. The Oconee River Land Trust and Friends of Sandy Creek Nature Center will both have booths set up.  At 6 pm, the awards ceremony will be held. Pat Nielsen will get an award for her volunteer work at the Botanical Garden.

Reading:  Robert recited a recent nature poem, the epilogue to his in-progress manuscript, “A Dream of Reading Bartram.” [link]


Cramp Balls (AKA Carbon Balls)

o       Richard brought a piece of decaying wood, bearing a patch of “cramp balls,” a fungus in the genus Annulohypoxylon that breaks down organic matter in order to extract nutrients.  The balls are semi-shiny, black spheres, with tiny perforations on top of each sphere from which spores are released.

Today’s Route
:   We left the boat launch area, taking the white-blazed Lakeside Trail west and north, staying close to the lake for the entire route.  We walked for almost two hours and returned back to the vehicles.


Pussytoes flowers
Pussytoes leaves

o       A small patch of Pussytoes is flowering near the trail head. There were four or five flower stems, each topped with several fuzzy flower heads, the eponymous “toes.” Pussytoes are on the short list of spring-flowering composites (members of the Aster family) in our area. Each “toe” is a separate head consisting of many tiny whitish flowers held tightly by a whorl of green bracts. The flowers on a given plant are either female or male. Even when they are not in flower, Pussytoes are easy to identify by the dense layer of white, felted hairs on the lower surface of the spoon-shaped basal leaves.


Two Great Blue Herons and a single Osprey were seen flying over the lake.

PHOTO AND TEXT: Several Asian azalea cultivars are in glorious bloom at the beginning of the trail, in shades of white, coral, and pink. These evergreen azaleas are imports from the Himalayan Mountains of south-central Asia, and have been in the horticultural trade for centuries.

A burl, looking
somewhat like a Koala climbing a tree, appears to engulf the trunk of
this young Sweet Gum. Burls are formed when an insect or pathogen of
some kind (fungus, virus, or bacteria) invades a tree. The tree responds
by growing a woody, tumor-like tissue that isolates the invader. Burls
continue to grow along with their tree host, but faster as this example
demonstrates. They often have unusually patterned grain, making them
highly desirable to wood turners and furniture makers, but removing a
large gall is usually fatal to the tree.
Southern Grapefern sterile fronds; fertile fronds will appear in late summer or early fall and release a host of spores
Solomon’s Seal is
common along the trailsides, most with buds that dangle below the stem
on slender stalks that arise from the leaf axils. Don was lucky enough
to photograph a Red-spotted Ant Mimic Spider crawling on this plant.
Solomon’s Plume is
often confused with Solomon’s Seal when in vegetative condition, but two
features are useful. Solomon’s Seal has a waxy, white coating on its
leaves and stems, giving it a blue-green color. Solomon’s Plume stems
are bright green and slightly zigzagged. Once the terminal cluster of
flowers appears on Solomon’s Plume, they are easily distinguished.
Downy Rattlesnake
Plantain is one of several Piedmont forest species whose leaves
overwinter. The leafless canopy allows them to photosynthesize
throughout the winter, compensating for the greatly reduced light during
the summer months.
Pippsissewa is
another overwintering wildflower found in Piedmont forests. “Wildflower”
is stretching it-these diminutive plants are actually “subshrubs” with
woody stems.
Last year’s dried
stems and fruit (note the slits from which seeds were released) persist
on some
Pipsissewa plants. Other plants are already in bud.
A beautifully
camouflaged American Toad was seen in the leaf litter beside the trail.
The loud, high-pitched nasal trill of the similar Fowler’s Toad followed
us along the first part of the trail. To relive the experience, click here

Green Frog was hanging out in the area where the Fowler’s Toads were
calling. Green Frogs are smaller than Bull Frogs and have a
dorso-lateral fold that runs along the side of the back from the eye to
the pelvic region. Bull Frogs lack this skin fold. (photo by Robert Ambrose, Jr.)

Common Yellow
Wood-sorrel, with its clover-like leaves and hairs that are soft and lie
flat along the stems. The leaves fold up at night and on cloudy days.
It is a close look-alike to Southern Yellow Wood Sorrel (Oxalis
dillenii), which is covered with hairs that spread stiffly from the
Japanese Stilt
Grass is abundant along the first part of the trail, especially near the
first creek crossing. Small green seedlings have recently emerged from a
persistent seed bank. Mats of dry, brown stems of this rampant invasive
grass also persist through the winter, earning it another common name,
Nepalese Browntop. The dead stems accumulate into dense, sodden mats
that, over time, completely suppress germination and growth of native
ground cover species.
A native aquatic
species, Arrow-arum, surrounded by Water-milfoil, one of several species
of aquatic invasives in the genus Myriophyllum. These invasive species
have degraded many lakes and waterways throughout the south, by way of
boat propellers that carry fragments from one water body to another.
Some ramblers asked if Arrow-arum is related to the edible Taro
(Colocasia esculenta), native to South Asia and cultivated widely around
the world; they are in the same family, Araceae, along with
Jack-in-the-pulpit and the famous shopping mall plant called Peace Lily
(not a true lily).


Netted Chain Fern
grows with Arrow-arum in the tiny stream we first crossed. Its leaves
closely resemble those of Sensitive Fern, which we commonly see at the
Botanical Garden. It takes a 10X hand lens to see the difference until
fertile fronds emerge in the summer. The lower surface of Netted Chain’s
sterile fronds has a line of small veins that parallel both sides of
the main veins and appear to form a series of chain links.
Dwarf Cinquefoil,
another bright yellow spot along the trail, grows all along the trail.
Its leaflets are toothed only in the upper half; Common Cinquefoil
(Potentilla simplex) leaflets are toothed nearly to the base.
Blackberry brambles
with large, white flowers. Their five petals and abundance of stamens
are two clues to their membership in the Rose family.
Large Sweet Gum
trees are a common member of Georgia’s hardwood forests, both in uplands
and lowlands. The spiny female fruit is well known to irate homeowners
and barefoot children but the female flower clusters, held high in the
upper branches, are rarely seen. However, the male flowers are familiar
to anyone who visits the woods this time of year. Our trail today was
littered with fallen clusters of staminate (male) flowers. Although
colorful, Sweet Gum flower clusters are not pollinated by insects.
Instead, vast quantities of pollen are released to the winds. Luckily,
Sweet Gum pollen does not seem to trigger allergies in humans.
At first
acquaintance, it’s hard to hate the sprawling shrub Multiflora Rose: the
flowers are so pretty and they smell so sweet. But these traits
disguise one of the worst invasive shrubs in eastern North America.
Brought from Asia for erosion control, Multiflora Rose is now legally
prohibited or listed as noxious in a number of states. To distinguish it
from native roses, or even benign non-natives, look at the very base of
the leaf stalk. A structure known as a stipule lines the base of the
stalk and is divided, comb-like, into segments.
Witch Grass, with its small oval flower spikelets held at the tips of delicate branches, is beginning to flower.
Basal rosette of
Wild Lettuce.  These plants will soon send up a stout, waxy,
purple-spotted stem bearing dozens of yellow flower heads in the summer
and fall. All parts of the plant ooze a milky latex when broken.
Soft Rush
Closeup of flowers

Several examples of Soft Rush provided an opportunity to recite the graminoid poem: “Sedges have edges, Rushes are round, and Grasses are hollow all the way to the ground.” (Graminoid is a term applied to the three unrelated families of grass or grass-like plants.) Rushes do indeed have round stems (like grasses but unlike sedges) and they are filled with pith (like sedges but unlike grasses). This particular species, Soft Rush, also has another distinguishing feature that can be very confusing if you’re using one of the older technical manuals to key it out. The key will describe this species as having a “terminal” inflorescence (flower cluster), which means the flowers are located at the very tip of the stem. However, the “terminal” flower for Soft Rush is located several inches from the top of the plant. So, what gives? The tricky thing is that what looks like a length of stem above the flowers is, believe it or not, actually a bract (a modified leaf) – a bract that looks just like the stem. Should this plant be re-named Deceptive Rush, or should the keys be modified? I am happy to report that the most current key has done the right thing. Here is the relevant portion of the Rush family key, written by Bruce Sorrie and Bill Knapp, and published in Weakley’s “Flora of the Southeastern United States” (2020):

-Inflorescence appearing lateral; inflorescence bract erect, appearing to be a continuation of the stem
-Inflorescence appearing terminal; inflorescence bract not appearing to be a continuation of the stem.

The first line of that key will take you to Soft Rush.

Oak Apple gall detached from oak leaf
Gall above, opened to show interior.

 An Oak Apple Gall had fallen from a leaf of its host, probably a White Oak, and was lying on the ground.  The interior tissue is developed around a gall wasp larva and the suspension system keeps it away from prying predators. Here is a great description of this fascinating example of the complexity of forest ecosystems:

Little Brown Jugs

Heartleaf, also known as Little Brown Jugs and Wild Ginger, pictured here with five fresh, jug-shaped flowers. New arrowhead-shaped, mottled leaves have appeared and will last for about a year. The flowers are formed by the fusion of three fleshy sepals; there are no petals. Well inside the “jug,” twelve stamens and a six-lobed ovary comprise the sexual parts of the flower. The flowers are pollinated by crawling insects or possibly self-pollination. The ovary develops into a fruit entirely within the jug, and its seeds are dispersed by ants. Wild Ginger plants may live to 20 or more years.

Smooth Spiderwort.
The common name refers to the cobwebby look of the hairy stamens.
or Strawberry-bush, has odd-looking, reddish-green flowers that usually
lie on top of the leaves (a tan cluster of Beech flowers has slipped
into this photo at top center). Dominating the flower is a central,
round, nectar-producing disk with five stamens fused to its rim. In this
photo, you can see the pistil beginning to develop in the middle of the
disk. As interesting as the flowers are, we were all mostly amazed that
this plant, and several other examples we saw along the way, has not
been  grazed to death by deer. Another common (and local) name for this
species is Deer Ice Cream (thanks, Dr. Cook!).
Catesby’s Trillium flowers were a highlight of today’s ramble.  

Sweet Shrub tepals and petals are a rich, deep burgundy and give off a
fleeting sweet fragrance before they are pollinated. The flowers are
visited by beetles who are lured inside by tiny food bodies attached to
the tips of the inner tepals. As they bump around inside the flower,
eating the tasty treats then trying to escape from the inwardly curved
petals, they deposit pollen picked up from previously visited flowers.
Painted Buckeye, a Piedmont specialty, in full flower.
Mockernut Hickory leaves emerging from a large terminal bud. Their characteristic hairiness is on full display in Don’s photo.

Coral Honeysuckle vines are abundant along the trail. Their bluish-green leaves and burgundy stems easily distinguish this species from Japanese Honeysuckle. When in flower, they resemble no other native wildflower. Needless to say, they are pollinated by hummingbirds.



Partridge Berry fruit derives from the fusion of two separate ovaries
from two otherwise separate flowers. The remnants of the bases of both
flowers can be seen on this fruit.
Ebony Spleenwort fern with its characteristic black stem.


Perfoliate Bellwort at peak flower.

Holly in bud. Both leaves and flowers are produced on short shoots that
grow only a few millimeters a year.

 Don captured a Harvestman on one of
the holly’s leaves
Autumn Olive, one of the most common invasive plants in Clarke County is in flower.
our return walk to the boat launch, Don spotted what at first appeared
to be a white slime mold, growing on a bare patch of ground among some
thin leaf litter. It is actually a fungus, pale lavender in color with a
few dark purple, pillow-like, velvety structures, all part of the same
fungus.  It has no common name so it goes by its fancy scientific name,
Chromelosporiopsis coerulescens.  As it matures, it will change color to
Orchid leaves are withering; they will disappear altogether by the time
the plants flower in June. Last year’s fruits are visible in this
Violet Wood-sorrel


Pussytoes     Antennaria plantaginifolia
Great Blue Heron     Ardea herodias
Asian deciduous azaleas     Rhododendron sp.
Sweet Gum     Liquidambar styraciflua
Southern Grape-fern     Botrychium biternatum
Solomon’s Seal     Polygonatum biflorum
Solomon’s Plume     Maianthemum racemosum (synonym: Smilacina racemosa)
Red-spotted Ant Mimic Spider     Castianeira descripta
Downy Rattlesnake Plantain     Goodyera pubescens
Pipsissewa     Chimaphila maculata
American Toad     Anaxyrus americanus
Fowler’s Toad     Anaxyrus fowleri

Common Yellow Wood-sorrel     Oxalis stricta
Southern Yellow Wood-sorrel     Oxalis dillenii
Japanese Stilt Grass/Nepalese Browntop     Microstegium vimineum
Water-milfoil     Myriophyllum sp.
Netted Chain Fern     Woodwardia areolata
Arrow-arum     Peltandra virginica
Dwarf Cinquefoil     Potentilla canadensis
Violet Wood-sorrel     Oxalis violacea
Blackberry     Rubus sp.
Sedge      Carex sp.
Multiflora Rose     Rosa multiflora
Witch Grass     Dichanthelium sp.
Wild Lettuce     Lactuca canadensis
Lyre-leaf Sage     Salvia lyrata
Soft Rush     Juncus effusus
Eastern Red Cedar     Juniperus virginiana
Hearts-a-burstin’/Strawberry Bush     Euonymus americanus
Oak Apple Gall created by a gall wasp    Biorhiza pallida
Heartleaf, Wild Ginger     Hexastylis arifolia
Smooth Spiderwort     Tradescantia ohiensis
Resurrection Fern     Pleopeltis polypodiodes
Painted Buckeye     Aesculus sylvatica
Catesby’s Trillium     Trillium catesbaei
Sweet Shrub     Calycanthus florida
Mockernut Hickory     Carya tomentosa
Coral Honeysuckle     Lonicera sempervirens
Whorled Loosestrife     Lysimachia quadrifolia
Lion’s Foot     Prenanthes sp. (synonym Nabalus sp.)
Partridgeberry     Mitchella repens
Ebony Spleenwort     Asplenium platyneuron
Possumhaw Holly     Ilex decidua
Autumn Olive     Elaeagnus umbellata
Green Frog     Lithobates clamitans
Lavender/purple fungus (no common name)      Chromelosporiopsis coerulescens

Ramble Report April 7 2022

Leader for today’s Ramble: Dale

Link to Don’s Facebook album for this Ramble. All the photos that appear in this report, unless otherwise credited, were taken by Don Hunter.

Number of Ramblers today: 29

Today’s emphasis: What’s happening on the Orange Trail



Bob Ambrose

Bob Ambrose recited his most recent poem, A Humble Petition.


Show and Tell

Dale brought a Sweetgum inflorescence. Sweetgums are monoecious — their flowers are either male, bearing stamens that produce pollen, or female, bearing flowers that will produce seeds. Both sexes are found on the same plant. (If the sexes occured on separate plants, they would be called dioecious. The two kinds of inflorescences look very different. The male inflorescence is a tall, lumpy cluster of pollen producing flowers that the tree drops soon after they exhaust their pollen supply. The female inflorescence develops into a spikey globe about the size of a golf ball. They drop off the tree in autumn, just to annoy you when you step on them barefooted.


Sweetgum inflorescences
uppermost is a group of male flowers
The spherical structure in the middle, just in front of my finger, is the female inflorescense




Next week’s (April 14. 2022) Nature Ramble will be held at Sandy Creek Park (the Park, not Sandy Creek Nature Center). Click here for directions.


Sue introduced her sister, Emily, from Boston.

Today’s Route
:  From our meeting place we walked between the Ceramic Arts bldg. and the Visitor Center, then followed the sidewalk to the Meditation area and turned left on to the Orange Trail Spur, which we followed to the Orange Trail where we turned left (upstream)



Flower Garden Path to Orange Trail Spur:

Little Brown Jugs; one flower revealed at the top of the photo by removing the leaf litter

Little Brown Jugs are named for their flowers that are hidden in the leaf litter. Why would a plant hide its flowers from view? Pollination biologists discover potential pollinators by patiently peering at the visitors to a flower. This won’t work for Little Brown Jugs. Their buried flowers make it impossible to see what visits the flowers. If the leaf litter is cleared away the pollinator may be discouraged from visiting an exposed flower. An indirect approach is to bag the flowers with a fine mesh cloth and leave other flowers unbagged. If the seed production of bagged and unbagged flowers is the same then the plant is likely to be self-fertilizing. This does seem to be the case, as reported by this brief paper: Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover: The Curious Case of Wild Ginger Pollination

Orange Trail Spur and Orange Trail (moving upstream):

American Beech with “Warty” bark.

American Beech tree warty bumps on the bark, We’ve visited this tree for 12 years with no evidence that the warts have damaged its health. It has been suggested that the warts are Beech Bark Disease (BBD), a serious problem in the Northeast states where thousands of Beech trees have been killed. BBD is caused by a fungus that invades bark damaged by scale insects. For pictures of BBD and more information consult this brochure from the University of Massachusetts.



Jack-in-the-Pulpit (JP) When young the single leaf with three leaflets can be confused with a Trillium. Here’s how to tell the difference: imagine a circle with a stem growing up from the center. At the top of the stalk there are three leaflets, two of which are aligned with the diameter of the imaginary circle. The third leaflet is perpendicular to the diameter. That’s a JP.

In a Trillium the three leaflets emerge from the center of the circle in a Y-pattern, but all three angles are equal to 120 degrees; no two of the leaflets lie on a diameter.


Previously we called all the JP in the Botanical Garden, Arisimea triphyllum, but recent opinions have caused a re-think.

Jack-in-the-pulpit is widely distributed in eastern North America and has been treated as a single species with several subspecies, forms or varieties. 

Jack-in-the-Pulpit with 5 leaflets
(photo from 2014 ramble)

The 2017 version of Weakley’s Flora of Georgia recognizes an additional species in our area: A. quinetum, formerly treated as a subspecies of A. triphyllum. It has 3 to 5 leaflets. But why should it be considered a distinct species, rather than a variety, subspecies or form. Is it solely a matter of judgement?
Species concepts. A widely accepted definition of a species hinges on the concept of reproductive isolation. Reproductive isolation means that, in nature, individuals of different species do not mate with one another, or, if they do, the resulting organisms have lower fitness. In the case of the two JP species there are more differences than just the number of leaflets; they have different numbers of chromosomes. A. triphyllum is tetraploid and A. quinetum is diploid. A cross between these two is a triploid plant. It has three sets of chromosomes, one set from quinetum and two sets from triphyllum. The triploid can reproduce vegetatively by budding of the rhizome, but it is sexually sterile. Therefore quinetum and triphyllum are reproductively isolated and best viewed as distinct species.

Why triploids are sterile. You probably remember that during the formation of eggs and sperm the chromosome number is halved. For example, humans are diploid; they have two sets of 23 chromosomes. Their eggs and sperms carry 23 chromosomes, one from each of the 23 pairs of chromosomes. To produce eggs or sperm the chromosomes pair up and the sex cells get one member from each pair. 

A triploid has three sets of chromosomes. When the chromosomes prepare for the cell divisions that produce sperm and eggs they attempt to pair up. But with three sets of chromosomes there is always one pair and a loner. The two paired chromosomes separate from one another and the singleton goes randomly into one or the other of the sex cells. This is happening to each chromosome in each set.

The result is a mixture of singles and doubles of each chromosome. Consequently some of the genes are present in one dose, others in two or three doses. This causes defects in gene expression that cause the developing seed or pollen to abort.


Wild Geranium

A female Wild Geranium lacks stamens.
A hermaphroditic Wild Geranium has both male (stamens) and female parts (pistil)


Geranium is currently blooming and we
found many plants along both the Orange Trail Spur and Orange Trail. In this area the plants are of two types: those
that have both stamens and pistils (called perfect flowers, bisexual flowers, or  hermaphroditic flowers), and those that
lack stamens (pistilate flowers).
(Remember: the stamens produce pollen, the pistil holds the egg that
develops into the embryonic plant inside the seed.) This condition, where a species has two types
of flowers, perfect or female, is
called “gynodioecious” (pronounced: Gy-no-dye-E-shus). (Note that this
term applies
to the population or species, not the individual plant or flower.)

Gynodioecy may be a stepping
stone on the way to evolving into a species in which there are only two kinds
of plants, those with male flowers and those with female flowers. That
condition is called dioecious (pronounced: dye-E-shus). Examples of dioecious species we have seen in the Garden are Spicebush and the various holly species.

Plants have two ways of passing
their genes on to the next generation: via seeds or pollen. If a plant loses
the ability to produce pollen you would think that it would lose the
evolutionary race to those that produce both seeds and pollen. But making pollen takes energy
and a plant that doesn’t have to make pollen can divert more energy to produce more
or larger seeds. That could give it an advantage over the plants with
perfect flowers.

If the female only plants produce more seeds that inherit that trait then they will increase in frequency in the population. But this means that there will be fewer plants producing pollen. Eventually, as pollen becomes less available, the pistilate plants advantage in seed production will decrease because there are too few pollen producers. Then the plants that are producing pollen have the
evolutionary upper hand and they will start to increase. It would seem to be
pretty difficult to evolve into a dioecious species from a gynodioecious one. Not producing pollen may be advantageous when it is rare, but as it becomes more numerous it loses that advantage. (This is an example of frequency-dependent selection.)

Christmas Fern

Christmas Fern fertile frond showing the pinules that bear the spore producing structures near the end of the frond.

Often we are guilty of ignoring the commonplace. I plead guilty of this when it comes to Christmas Ferns. It seems to grow almost everywhere, yet I can’t really answer the symplest questions about it’s biology. Here are a few examples.

When the new fronds emerge in the spring not all of them develop into fertile fronds. How many will form on a single plant? Does the number depend on how much light the plant is exposed to? Or the age of the plant? Did the overwintering fronds supply any energy to the new fronds? What would happen if someone were to cut off part of the winter fronds? Would that affect the number of new fronds or their fertility or both or neither? 


Mystery Observation

Strange object gripping the top of a Mayapple leaf.
Object removed and broken in half.
Recesses in the open surface suggest it held seeds.

The white object in the photos above looked initially like a gall growing from the center of a Mayapple leaf. But it wasn’t really attached to the leaf. It looked like might have been an empty seed capsule that had accidentally fallen to the surface before the Mayapples emerged. Then one leaf poked up into the hollow center of the capsule and found its leaf confined by the capsular walls. We couldn’t figure out what plant the capsule came from.


Another Mystery Object

What is this thing?

Heather found a curious object firmly attached to a beech twig. One end was rounded, the other, had what looked like a lid. You could bend the flap or lid open with a finger nail and, when released, it snapped shut. Heather and Don guessed that it might be cocoon of some moth, but it didn’t look like that to me. Most cocoons have the texture of fine silken threads, but this thing didn’t, at least to my poor vision.

Click beetle

Click Beetle
Head is to left, followed by 1st thoracic segment, then the wing covers that extend over the last 2 thoracic segments and the abdomen.

A click beetle is named for the unusual way it has of righting itself. When placed on its back it is helpless. How to get back on its feer?! While on its back it bends its head-thorax upward toward its belly. The head-thorax suddenly snaps down, hitting what it’s lying on with enough force to propel its body upward, spinning in the air, and emitting a sharp “click.” This action is repeated until it lands on its feet.The sadistic entomologist, or small boy, can deliberately turn a click beetle several times to discover how many times it takes to fatigue the poor beetle.

Post-Ramble Observations:

After leaving the Orange Trail and cutting over to the upper parking lot, I noticed a lot of activity on the large Chinese Holly hybrid (according to Gary).  The abundant yellow flowers were attracting a wide assortment of pollinators, including:  Western Honey Bee, Common Flower Fly, Eastern Carpenter Bee, tachinid fly, halictid bee, Transverse-banded Flower Fly and Potter Wasp


Chattahoochee Trillium     Trilium decipiens
Doublefile Viburnum     Viburnum plicatum tomentosum ‘Mariesii’
Mount Airy Fothergilla     Fothergilla major ‘Mount Airy’
Flowering Dogwood     Cornus florida

American Beech     Fagus grandifolia
Confederate Azalea     Rhododendron ‘Semmes’
Green-and-Gold     Chrysogonum virginianum
Wild Ginger     Hexastylis arifolia
Jack-in-the-Pulpit     Arisaema triphyllum
Solomon’s Seal     Polygonatum biflorum
Three-parted Yellow Violet     Viola tripartita
Wild Geranium     Geranium maculatum
Christmas Fern     Polystichum acrostichoides
Elliott’s Blueberry     Vaccinium elliottii
Mayapple     Podophyllum peltatum
Carolina Anole     Anolis carolinensis
Orchard Orbweaver     Leucauge venusta
Rattlesnake Fern     Botrychium virginianum
Wood Ear Mushroom     Auricularia auricula
Bloodroot     Sanguinaria canadensis
Coral Honeysuckle     Lonicera sempervirens
Click beetle     Gambrinus sp.
Jack-in-the-Pulpit rust fungus     Uromyces caladii
Buckthorn Bully     Sideroxylon lycioides
Perfoliate Bellwort     Uvularia perfoliata
Mayapple Rust fungus     Allodus podophylli
Hooked Buttercup     Ranunculus uncinatus
Wood Rush     Luzula glomerata
Elm (with galls)     Ulmus sp.
Slime Mold    ?? Fuligo septica ??
Broad Beech Fern     Phegopteris hexagonoptera
Rue Anemone     Thalictrum thalictroides
Common Blue Violet      Viola sororia
Common Chickweed     Stellaria media
Kidney-leaf Buttercup     Ranunculus abortivus
Bedstraw     Galium aparine
Southern Chervil     Chaerophyllum tainturieri
Eastern Tent Caterpillar     Malacosoma americanum

Western Honey Bee     Apis mellifera
Common Flower Fly     Syrphus ribesii
Eastern Carpenter Bee     Xylocopa virginica
Tachinid fly     Family Tachinidae
Halictid bee     Halictus sp.
Transverse-banded Flower Fly    Eristalis transversa
Potter Wasp     Euodynerus bidens


Photos by Heather Larkin

Red-bellied Snake
small, eats slugs and snails

Red-bellied Snake      Storeria occiputomaculata


White-banded Fishing Spider

 White-banded Fishing Spider        Dolomedes albineus


Chestnut Carpenter Ant

Chestnut Carpenter Ant      Camponotus castaneus



April 14 2022 Ramble Directions

On Thursday, April 14, the Botanical Garden will be closed to the public for a special event (dedication of the new porcelain museum). The Nature Ramblers will meet instead at Sandy Creek Park for a ramble on the Lakeside Trail. We’ll meet at the usual time (9 am) and wrap up about 11am. Meet at the parking lot at the boat launch on the west side of Lake Chapman. We expect to walk 2-3 miles, round trip, but you can turn back at any time. This trail is a bit rough in a few places so a hiking stick may be useful. A number of interesting ferns, wildflowers, and shrubs should be in flower or fruit, including Green-and-Gold, Piedmont Azalea, Silverbell, Solomon’s Seal, Painted Buckeye, Perfoliate Bellwort, etc.

Directions: From Athens Loop 10, exit 12, drive north on the Commerce Road/Hwy 441 about 3 miles, passing the turn-off to Sandy Creek Nature Center (on the left) and continuing north for about 2 miles to Bob Holman Road. Turn right on Bob Holman Road and drive about ¾ mile to the park entrance on the right and stop at the entrance booth. People 64 and over are admitted free; younger folks must pay a $2.00 entrance fee. Shortly after the entrance booth, turn left on Sandy Park Drive, drive a few hundred feet to Beechtree Drive, and turn left. Stay on Beechtree Drive – you will be forced to make a right turn that takes you around a deep curve and to the boat ramp parking area on your right. See the map below:.


Sandy Creek Park
(not Sandy Creek Nature Center)

Ramble Report March 24 2022

Leader for
today’s Ramble:

Link to Don’s Facebook album for this Ramble. All the photos that appear in this
report, unless otherwise credited, were taken by Don Hunter.

Number of
Ramblers today: 34


Dunson garden

Reading:  Anne Brightwell read a poem, ”why I feed the birds”,
by Richard Vargas. You can find the text of this poem at this link.

Show and

Kathy holding a Tiger Lily.

Kathy Stege
brought a Tiger Lilly bulb and bulblet to give away. She then told us about its
history. Native to Korea, where it is diploid, the variety grown here is
triploid and is therefore sterile. That makes the plant less invasive and it
reproduces mainly by  bulbs and bulblets.

Saunders shared a Walt Cook story.

   We left the Children’s Garden, via the Shade
Garden path by the comfort station, exiting onto the mulched path leading down
to the Dunson Native Flora Garden (Dunson Garden).  We wandered through the paths in the Dunson
Garden and walked toward the river, exploring the woody edges on both sides of
the power line right of way. We returned to the Children’s Garden via the White
Trail Spur.




Male flowers bear white stamens at the top of the flower stalk, female flowers develop below.the males.

Spurge can be an important source of
pollen for bumble bees and early emerging solitary bees. They need pollen for its protein content, nectar being mostly sugar.

Crested Iris



Violets.have flowers that are smaller than those of the common blue violet. Their leaves are smaller, too, and have a duller surface. It spreads by runners that can detach from the parent plant.

Christmas fern fiddlehead unrolling.

Ferns remain green throughout the winter but develop new leaves early in spring.

Betsy Trillium



Hepatica leaves come to a point, insead of the rounded lobes of the other hepatica species. This species prefers calcareous soils. In Georgia it is much more abundant in the northwestern part of the state where limestone deposits provide the calcium. 


Wood Poppy


Dwarf Trillium
As the petals age they develop a pink color before dropping off.

Mayapples grow as a clonal group. Most individuals have a single leaf, but those that have enough energy produce two leaves with a single flower bud between them. All the parts of the plant, except the fruit, are toxic.

Unopened flower buds are pink, then turn blue as they open
The pigment is contained in the cell vesicles and is pink under basic condidtions but changes to blue when the vesicle turns acidic, like litmus paper.

Blue Violet
There are two extremes in color, blue and white. Intermediate forms can be found.

Trout Lily.
There are two species of Erythronium in the Dunson Garden. They can be distinguished by examination of the fruit. One kind has a dimple at the end, the other doesn’t.

Atamasco Lily
In spite of its common name it is not a Lily, it belongs to the Amaryllis family.


Virginia Spring Beauties
Note the slender, grass-like leaves.

Carolina Spring Beauty
Note the broader leaf blade than in the Virginia Spring Beauty.


Rafinesque’s  Viburnum


Carolina Jessamine
Vine with yellow flowers high in tree




Related to Golden Ragwort, but is an annual.

Black Cherry in bud.
Black Cherry bark

The tree is just beginning to
flower, with many racemes of flower buds. The bark has many horizontal slits in the bark. These are called lenticles and they allow oxygen to diffuse into the cells beneath the outer layer of bark.

Beaked Corn Salad
Note the terminal clusters of four flowers.

Several ramblers wondered why the common name was “corn salad,” since it didn’t appear to have anything to do with corn. The answer is found in English around the 15th — 16th century. At that time the word “corn” referred to any grain crop grown for human consumption. In England corn was what we now call wheat. In Scotland, it was oats. When English colonists encountered they called the Native American grain crop “Indian Corn.” It later became known simply as “Corn.” The plant we call Corn Salad was a European weed that grew in wheat fields and provided an early green salad for the colonists.


Ground Ivy

Ground Ivy is a naturalized Mint family plant of European origin. It was used to prolong the shelf life of beer before being replaced by Hops.

Purple Deadnettle

Purple Deadnettle is another naturalized European weed. The “deadnettle” refers to its resemblance to stinging nettles, but it lacks the stinging hairs (tricomes) on its leaves.

Trail Spur:

Bark of Silverbell tree.’
Note the light-color stripes.
Silverbell flowers

Decumbent or Trailing Trillium has a flowering stalk that lies against the ground.



Woodland Phlox     Phlox divaricata
Forsythia     Forsythia sp.
Carolina Anole     Anolis caroliniensis
Bloodroot     Sanguinaria canadensis
Sweet Betsy Trillium     Trillium cuneatum
Chattahoochee Trillium     Trillium decipiens
Allegheny Spurge     Pachysandra procumbens
Dwarf Crested Iris     Iris cristata
Virginia Spring Beauty     Claytonia virginica
Black Cohosh     Acataea racemose
Walter’s Violet     Viola walteria
Christmas Fern     Polystichum acrostichoides
Sharp-lobed Hepatica     Hepatica acutiloba
Celandine Wood Poppy     Stylophorum diphyllum
Georgia Trillium     Trillium georgianum
Leatherwood     Dirca palustris
Mayapple     Podophyllum peltatum
Seersucker Sedge     Carex plantaginea
Virginia Bluebells     Mertensia virginica
Common Blue Violet     Viola sororia
Dimpled Trout Lily     Erythronium umbilicatum
Golden Ragwort     Packera aurea
Atamasco Lily     Zephyranthes atamasca
Carolina Spring Beauty     Claytonia caroliniana
Rue Anemone     Thalictrum thalictroides
Rafinesque’s Viburnum     Viburnum rafinesquianum
Carolina Jessamine     Gelsemium sempervirens
Yellow Fumewort     Corydalis flavula
Eastern Redbud     Cercis canadensis
Butterweed     Packera glabella
Tufted Titmouse     Baeolophus bicolor
Black Cherry     Prunus serotina
Beaked Corn Salad     Valerianella radiata
Ground Ivy     Glechoma hederacea
Purple Deadnettle     Lamium purpureum
Southern Chervil     Chaerophyllum tainturieri
Silverbell     Halesia tetraptera
Decumbent Trillium     Trillium decumbens
Cranefly Orchid     Tipularia discolor
Coral Honeysuckle     Lonicera sempervirens
Solomon’s Plume     Maianthemum racemosum
Buckthorn Bully     Sideroxylon lyciodes




Ramble Report March 17 2022

Leader for today’s Ramble: Linda
Link to Don’s Facebook album for this Ramble. All the photos that appear in this report, unless otherwise credited, were taken by Don Hunter.
Number of Ramblers today: 37
Today’s emphasis: Plants flowering in the International Garden, Herb and Physic Gardens, Heritage Garden and Flower Garden
Readings: Bob Ambrose recited his poem, On the First Wave of Spring
Here is the link to his poem: https://bobambrosejr-poetry.blogspot.com/2018/03/on-first-wave-of-spring.html

Next, to commemorate St. Patrick’s Day, David read two poems from Janisse Ray’s House of Branches:


I know where
the ribbon snake
under the maple
by the barn.
One day when I
was there
a dead leaf
crackled like fire
and I saw her,
slip of green
I followed
around the waist
of the tree,
through already
dying grass.
When she turned.
To face me, eyes
burning, she
studied me.
I – wanting
To feel her softness,
her certainty, the stove
of her tiny heart —
touched one finger.
only one,
upon her perfect tail.
At that moment
the tree opened
and she wound
inside, her
dark and narrow.
Long before
I turned away,
no doubt
she lay
on her mat of earth
at the bottom
of the maple
among the roots
of brilliant
The eleventh
Commandment is
love the earth
love the tree
love the snake.


What does it mean, Sigmund Freud,
that the snake was not in my dream
but in the hallway, a brown velvet rope
stretched across the runner.  It glimmered
like an Indonesian textile, new-
woven, lying across the path we travel
dozens of times a day between kitchen
and bedroom, front and back.
I called my husband, who
came from the porch and stood
opposite, length of perfect cord
between us.  Strange as it was,
we were stranger.  We watched,
only that, never moving
for broom or bag, no impediment.
We watched it glide across the floor,
behind a row of machines, hot water
heater, washer and dryer, through
a drift of spilled laundry powder, into
the accumulation of our lives, old
rag bag, dog shampoo, shoe polish,
spot remover, brushes and brooms,
window cleaner, jugs of vinegar,
ammonia and bleach.
Our lives are no place for you, beautiful,
this house no crevice in an old tree.
For your own sake, get out.


Show and Tell:

Chinese Violet Cress

Linda presented a sprig from one of the many Chinese Violet Cress currently seen in beds around the Garden.  A nearby sign called it “Color Up Purple,” one of the many cultivars of Wild Cabbage (Brassica oleracea). Wild Cabbage was selected and cultivated over many centuries to produce an amazing diversity of vegetables; e.g., cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts, collard greens, and kohlrabi. But the sign is for a plant that hasn’t yet appeared this year. The plant we actually examined is Chinese Violet Cress (Orychophragmus violaceus). It is in the same family as Wild Cabbage and has the same distinctive smell and taste and the same four-petaled flowers that earned this family the name “crucifer,” or cross-bearing. According to the Missouri Botanical Garden, Chinese Violet Cress “is native to roadsides, forests, fields, thickets, valleys, hillsides, sunny slopes and garden areas in central China. It is cultivated in China as a vegetable, with stalks typically harvested in the second year after flowering. Flowers and leaves are also edible and make tasty additions to salads.” Its invasive potential is unknown. Whether it is a larval host plant for our native butterfly, Falcate Orange-tip, is also unknown. Native crucifers provide early spring opportunities for this butterfly to lay its eggs.

Today’s Route:  We left the Children’s Garden, heading down the paved path, passing by the American South section, across the Flower Bridge and through the China and Asia Section.  From there we passed the Threatened and Endangered Plant bed, through the Native American Southeastern Tribes Section and into the Physic Garden.  We then took the connecting walk, past the Pawpaw Patch into the Heritage Garden, after which we walked through much of the Flower Garden, coming back through the Rose Terraces and Heritage Garden, again, and back out to the parking lot.


Don and Heather conducted some pre-Ramble explorations and found several species of interest:


White-lip Globe Snail ?

A snail, possibly a White-lip Globe Snail. That species was identified by Charles Wharton as one of seven species of land snail he found in his survey of the plants and animals of the State Botanical Garden.  


Flowering Dogwoods beginning to expand their showy, white bracts

An American Toad, nearly camouflaged in the mulch in one of the beds near the pergola.

The snail and the toad represent the beauty and the problem with iNaturalist. Many of the photos submitted were taken from the wrong angle for identification. Not the fault of the photographer, It’s the nature of the subject. Snails, for example, are hard for experts to ID and the key features are hard, or impossible to see in photos of the living animal. 

The toad could be one of two species in our area: Fowler’s Toad or American Toad. The easiest feature that discriminates between these species is the color of the belly — Fowler’s has a white belly, American has a darker underside with scattered spots. American also has enlarged warts on its calf and Fowler’s has calf warts the same size as the rest of the leg. There is a ridge of skin behind the eye that contacts the large gland behind the eye on the shoulder in Fowler’s. In the American the large gland is separated from the ridge or it may touch a rearward extension of the ridge. These features are very difficult is see, even in excellent photographs. Don tells me that INat identified the toad as a Southern Toad, but that species does not occur in our area; it’s a coastal plain species.

Georgia Rock Cress

Georgia Rock Cress is planted along the paved path into the American South Section of the International Garden. This is one of the rarest species in Georgia, with only a handful of populations surviving in the northwest corner of the state near Rome and in the Fall Line, near Columbus. The plants seem to love rocky cliffs and bluffs, or perhaps they inhabit these stressful environments because there’s little competition there. They are clearly flourishing in the rich beds at the Garden. As the name “Cress” indicates, this species is a member of the family Brassicaceae: its flowers are cross-shaped and its sap has the sulfurous smell and taste characteristic of this family. The compounds responsible for these distinctive tastes and smells evolved in this family as a way to discourage browsing animals; some people also find the taste bitter and the cooking odors revolting, while others welcome a plateful of collards or turnip greens on New Year’s Day.

Chattahoochee Trillium  

A patch of four or five Chattahoochee Trillium is flourishing along the path into the International Garden; ramblers wondered how these plants got here. Not being a Piedmont native, this species is found at the Garden in the Dunson Native Flora Garden and environs. It’s likely that a deer ate one of the fruits of the Dunson plants and later deposited the seeds here with its dung. It’s also possible – though probably unlikely due to the distance involved – that the seeds were brought here by ants. Ants are the primary dispersal agent for Trillium seeds in the wild but typically don’t carry seeds more than two meters. Each Trillium seed comes equipped with a fleshy attachment called an elaiosome that is rich in fat and other nutrients. The ants grab the elaiosome in their jaws and drag the seed into their nest. They feed the elaiosome to their larvae and carry the still intact seed to their waste dump, where the seeds find a nice rich bed (of ant poop and dead ant bodies) for germination. Unfortunately, the exotic invasive Red Fire Ant (Solenopsis invicta) competes with native ants for wildflower seeds and is not skilled at dispersing seeds, often destroying most of the seeds it gathers.

Photo by Douglas W. Jones of Trillium recurvatum seeds with pale-colored elaiosomes, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elaiosome
Yaupon Holly hybrid with yellow fruit, possibly ‘Anna’s Choice’.  
Virginia Bluebells, an early spring ephemeral, with its pink buds and blue, fully opened flowers.

Bees can’t see in the red end of the spectrum but are attracted to the blue color of mature Bluebell flowers which they can see and which advertises the presence of nectar. The pink color may discourage nectar-robbing by bees, who are known to pierce the base of flower tubes to extract nectar before the flowers mature and produce viable pollen. However, the long floral tube and lack of a good “landing platform” limit the type of bees that visit these flowers. Only long-tongued bees can reach the nectaries hidden in the base of the tube and they must do so quickly since most bees are not good at hovering for more than a few seconds.

cultivars are planted along the Flower Bridge. All pansies originated
as hybrids of several European species of violets (genus Viola),
including Viola tricolor which has been flagged as an invasive in some
parts of the U.S.

‘Leonard Messel’ Magnolia, a cultivar derived from crossing two Asian
magnolias, Magnolia kobus and Magnolia stellata, and referred to as
Magnolia X loebneri. Note that cultivar names are always enclosed in
single quotation marks and are never in italics like scientific names.
Showy stamens of Alabama Snow Wreath flowers

As we approached the Alabama Snow Wreath hedge in the Threatened and Endangered Species Garden, Heather pointed out the calls of both the Red-tailed Hawk and the Red-shouldered Hawk in the woods to the right of the path. Alabama Snow Wreath flowers abundantly, but rarely produces viable seed.; it seems to reproduce only by the spread of rhizomes (underground stems). The flowers lack petals: their showiness is due to the long white stamens with their yellow anther tips. Alabama Snow Wreath is rare in Georgia, occurring naturally only in northwestern counties. It is rare throughout its range of Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Missouri, but is widely available in the nursery trade.

Dwarf Trillium is an extremely narrow endemic, found only in one county
in northwest Georgia. Several small populations are being safeguarded
at the Botanical Garden, here in the T&E Garden and also in the
Dunson Garden.
Golden Ragwort flower head emerging from its protective covering of
purple bracts. The purple pigment, anthocyanin, seen in the bracts and
stem, acts as a kind of sunscreen to tender new growth.
leaves of White Avens are mottled with silvery green and deeply divided
into many segments. They bear little resemblance to the solid green,
three-lobed stem leaves which will follow in early summer.
Jelly Fungus, a wood-rotting fungus, appears in the winter on dead
twigs and branches. It is a “resurrection fungus,” with the capacity to
dry to nearly nothing then rehydrate after a rain or even a heavy dew.
They can also rebound after being frozen solid. The “fruiting,” or
spore-producing, bodies cover the glistening upper surface but are
nearly invisible.
Rue-anemone (or Windflower) and Green-and-Gold are among the earliest wildflowers to bloom in Piedmont forests .

Rue-anemone flowers lack petals and depend on their bright white sepals
to attract pollinators, which include various bees and flies. These
plants typically flower early then disappear by late spring.
Green-and-Gold flower heads are visited by a variety of insects and
continue to produce flowers well into the summer

plants are emerging on “Native American Hill,” near the base of the
large boulder. Most plants are topped with a single leaf but a few
plants have forked stems, with each of the two forks bearing a leaf.
Between the leaves, a small bud is forming that will produce a flower in
April and a fruit in May.
discovered a fallen branch covered on one side with a variety of
lichens, including Perforated Ruffle Lichen and Old Man’s Beard, and on
the other side with the beautiful golden-tan Wrinkled Crust fungus
Don’s close-up photo of the Wrinkled Crust reveals the intricate patterns on its surface
Pawpaw trees are in bud, their hairy sepals protecting the six developing petals within.
red-brick wall that connects the Physic Garden and the Heritage Garden
is covered with Creeping Fig. Kathy pointed out that this species has a
high potential to become invasive; she has seen it covering acres of
land in a park in Florida.
Redbud, bright pink against the bright blue sky, is a classic north
Georgia scene in March. Longleaf Pines in the fast-growing “rocket
stage” are in the foreground.
of the two honey bee hives in the Flower Garden recently swarmed,
necessitating the insertion of a third hive to accommodate the new
leaves of Hyacinth and some other spring-flowering bulbs are
hydrophobic, i.e. water-repelling, causing dew and rain to form
shimmering beads on the waxy surface. Some of our native plants also
have hydrophobic leaves, notably in the Piedmont, Jewelweed, which we
will see in late summer. For an interesting explanation of
hydrophobicity in plants, turn to Science Friday:
large stand of a native Viburnum cultivar growing near the wildlife
viewing platform on the north side of the Flower Garden is in full
flower. Each flat-topped flower cluster consists of many small, white,
five-petaled flowers with golden stamens.
A Tuft-legged Orbweaver working her web in the hedges in the Heritage Garden.  
our way back to the parking lot after the ramble, some of us came upon
several large red dumpsters. The south-facing side of one of the
dumpsters was covered with a maze of slug grazing trails, where slugs
have been dining on the algae (and possibly a few lichens) for months. 
The patterns were quite beautiful, actually.
and Heather noticed several Carolina Anoles sunning and hunting prey in
front of the Porcelain & Decorative Arts Museum. One stationed on
the iron grate at a drain was dark brown to almost black, approximating
the surrounding colors. Another stalking a wasp in a Spurge was the more
typical green color.


Chinese Violet Cress    Orychophragmus violaceus
White-lip Globe Snail??   Mesodon thyroidus

Dogwood     Cornus florida
American Toad     Anaxyris americanus
Oriental Paper Bush     Edgeworthia chrysantha
Georgia Rock Cress     Arabis georgiana
Chattahoochee Trillium     Trillium decipiens
Yaupon Holly     Ilex vomitoria ‘Anna’s Choice’
Sticky Catchfly/Wild Pink     Silene caroliniana
Virginia Bluebells     Mertensia virginica
Pansies     Viola x wittrockiana
Oconee Azalea     Rhododendron flammeum
Tea Camellia     Camellia sinensis
‘Leonard Messel’ Magnolia     Magnolia x loebneri
Creeping Mazus      Mazus reptans
Red-tailed Hawk     Buteo jamaicensis
Red-shouldered Hawk     Buteo lineatus
Alabama Snow Wreath     Neviusia alabamensis
Georgia Dwarf Trillium     Trillium georgianum
Rue Anemone     Thalictrum thalictroides (synonym: Anemonella thalictroides)
Golden Ragwort     Packera aurea
White Avens     Geum canadense
White Florida Anise     Illicium floridanum ‘Alba’
Walter’s Violet     Viola walteri
Amber Jelly Fungus     Exidia recisa
Wrinkled Crust Fungus     Phlebia radiata
Perforated Ruffle Lichen     Parmotrema perforatum
Old Man’s Beard     Usnea strigosa
Green-and-Gold     Chrysogonum virginianum
Mayapple     Podophyllum peltatum
Bloodroot     Sanguinaria canadensis
Pawpaw     Asimina triloba
Creeping Fig     Ficus pumila
Eastern Redbud     Cercis canadensis
Western Honey Bee     Apis mellifera
Rabbit-eye Blueberry     Vaccinium ashei
Hyacinth        Hyacinthus orientalis
Viburnum     Viburnum sp.
Tuft-legged Orbweaver     Mangora placida
Carolina Anole     Anolis carolinensis

Ramble Report March 10 2022

Leader for today’s Ramble: Dale
Link to Don’s Facebook album for this Ramble. All the photos that appear in this report, unless otherwise credited, were taken by Don Hunter.

Number of Ramblers today: 15
Today’s emphasis: Seeking what we find on the Purple Trail
Reading: Kathy Stege recited, from memory, Emily Dickinson’s To Make a Prairie.

To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee,
One clover, and a bee.
And revery.
The revery alone will do,
If bees are few.

Today’s Route:  We made our way  through the Herb & Physic Garden to the Pawpaw patch, hoping to see flower buds. From there we embarked on the Purple Trail but ran out of time before reaching the river, so we returned 




Pawpaw flower buds

Pawpaw trees have not yet appeared, but the flower buds are swelling and some are beginning to open.

Poison Ivy vine on tree trunk

Poison Ivy is easily recognized in summer by relying on the old ditty: “leaflets three, let it be.” But winter presents a problem. All parts of the plant can cause dermatitis in sensitive individuals.  That means you need to recognize the vine without its leaves. Fortunately, poison ivy vines are easily recognized. The vine climbs a tree by using numerous fibrous, hair-like rootlets that attach to the bark. You should avoid contact with the rootlets and vine — all parts of the plant are capable of inducing a rash in sensitive individuals.

Signage: Throughout the Garden there are small aluminum signs that identify the nearby plants. Almost without exception these signs are vandalized, their borders scraped. The guilty party? Rodents, like squirrels or chipmunks. Unlike humans, rodent incisors continue to grow in length throughout their life. Continual usage wears the edges down, but sometimes they need a harder surface to keep the teeth from getting too long. If not maintained by constant wear the incisors would grow to long and the animal would starve to death.


Sap wells created by Yellow-bellied Sapsucker.

Sapsucker wells We have visited this tree, a Hophornbeam, for many years. It’s just one of its kind to be visited by a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker woodpecker, a winter visitor in these woods.

The Sapsucker finds a tree and begins to punch a shallow hole in its bark. When finished, the bird moves a short distance to the side of the first hole and repeats. Eventually it creates a ring of holes that ooze tree sap. The sapsucker sips the sap that oozes from the holes and, in addition, eats small insects that are attracted to the sugary fluid. Eventually the tree seals the holes and the bird moves up a short distance and makes a new series of wells.

Hop Hornbeam or Hophornbeam
This is a somewhat esoteric subject, so you might want to skip ahead to the next section. 


Regardless of dictionaries, we have in entomology a rule for insect
common names that can be followed. It says: If the insect is what the
name implies, write the two words separately; otherwise run them
together. Thus we have such names as house fly, blow fly, and robber fly
contrasted with dragonfly,  and butterfly, because the
latter are not flies, just as an aphislion is not a lion and a
silverfish is not a fish. The honey bee is an insect and is preeminently
a bee; “honeybee” is equivalent to “Johnsmith.”

From Anatomy of the Honey Bee by Robert E. Snodgrass


So as far as trees are concerned the question is: is the tree we call a hophorbeam a hornbeam?
In Europe the trees called hornbeams are in the genus Carpinus, in the Birch family. The common name, “hornbeam”, refers to the use of their wood to yoke a team of oxen for plowing. Thus, the hophornbeam in the genus Ostrya is not a true hornbeam. The common name for Ostrya virginiana should be hophornbeam.

Whether it should be hophornbeam or Hophornbean is a different matter.

Marcescence is a term that describes the retention of dead leaves by broad-leaved trees of the temperate zone. As autumn approaches most broad-leaved trees prepare for winter by shedding their leaves. (see Why trees drop their leaves for an explanation.)

As autumn approaches the chlorophyll and other substances are removed from the leaves for winter storage. At the same time the tree begins to seal off the leaf by creating a layer of cells called the abscission layer, to block the loss of water that would leak out of the tree. When the abscission layer is complete the leaf will eventually fall from the tree, breaking off at the abscission layer.
Except when it doesn’t. Some trees retain all or man of their dead leaves throughout the winter. The phenomenon is called marcescence.  The trees in our area are Oaks, Hophornbeam, American Hornbeam, Chalk Maple, American Beech. Some don’t retain all their leaves, slowly losing them during winter. This time of year when you drive into the Bot Garden the marcescent Beech leaves are very pale and those of the Hophornbeam are a darker brown. The colors are more prominent after a rain.

For a good summary of the possible adaptive significance of marcescence visit this page.


Lichens are composite organisms. They consist of a fungus (the mycobiont) and a photosynthetic unicellular organism (the photobiont).  Reproduction can be sexual or asexual. If sexual, there is a problem: only the mycobiont reproduces. The resulting spores have no photobionts. They must acquire them from the environment, otherwise the mycobiont will perish. Asexual reproduction is accomplished by packaging both the myco- and photo- bionts in the same reproductive propagule.

Perforated Ruffle Lichen

Script lichen closeup
The black squiggles are the places where sexual reproduction occurs, producing spores that contain only the mycobiont.

 American Beech associates

The natural world is filled with interactions that occur so briefly that they are seldom seen. A hawk swoops in and plucks a bird from your bird feeder. You have to be there in the moment to experience that act of predation. Sometimes the interaction is more protracted or leaves evidence of having occurred. Like caterpillars eating the leaves of a plant. Today we saw evidence of such an interaction. We found a black, spongy mass on one of the small branches of an American Beech tree. Your first impression might have been that the fungus was eating the tree’s leaves. But it is only growing ON the leaves, not consuming them. 

Black Sooty Mold on branch of American Beech
photo from Jan. 16, 2014, Ramble


Closeup of Black Sooty Mold showing sponge-like texture.

If you visited the Beech tree during the summer you would find a colony of aphids on the branches above the one the fungus is growing on. The aphids are sucking sap from the tree. Tree sap has sugar in it but is a poor source of amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. To get enough amino acids the aphids have to suck a lot of sap. This gives them more sugar than they need and the excess is excreted. We call it “honeydew” and you know how sticky it is if you’ve parked your car beneath an aphid-infested tree. 

The aphid colony grows throughout the summer and more and more honeydew is dropped below the colony. Sooty Mold spores eventually drift into the sweet spot below the colony and begin to grow, feeding on the carbohydrate riches. Their food is aphid poo, not Beech trees.

Beech Blight Aphids
photo taken on a previous summer Ramble
The aphids are covered with waxy secretions that protect them from predators.

We also found the remnants of a plant that is totally dependent on the Beech: Beech Drops. These flowering plants have become completely parasitic on Beeches — they no longer have chlorophyll or leaves. Underground their roots have modified structures called haustoria that seek out Beech roots and fuse with them. 

Lacking chlorophyll means that the stems are no longer green. This makes them difficult to see against the background of fallen leaves. But if you get a search image in your mind you’ll discover hundreds surrounding a single Beech.

Remains of last summer’s Beech Drops

Slimy Salamander
body length approx. 2 inches

Slimy Salamander
We discovered a small, black salamander under a piece of decaying wood. Its body was speckled with tiny white dots, a characteristic of the Slimy Salamander. If you handled it you would discover how appropriate the common name is. The skin secretions are extremely sticky and very irritating; you don’t want to touch your mouth or eyes after handling one.
The Slimy Salamander is a member of the largest salamander family, the Plethodontidae. Plethodontids have two major centers of diversity: the southern Appalachians and Central and South America. New species continue to be discovered, especially in South America.
The most unusual feature of the family is the absence of lungs.They get their oxygen exclusively through their skin and the lining of the mouth and pharynx.

Although some plethodontids lay their eggs in ponds and streams most lay their eggs in moist areas under rocks or decaying wood. For these terrestrial breeding species there is no aquatic phase in their life cycle. In many species the female remains with her clutch of eggs until they hatch. Because of their high moisture requirements they are active mostly at night. In the daytime they seek the cover of moist leaf litter and beneath or in decaying wood.
Plethodontids are surprisingly abundant. According to one classic study, the total biomass of plethodontid salamanders in their study area exceeded the total biomass of all the resident birds and mammals in that area.

Wood rotting fungi

Many pieces of fallen or cut wood support the growth of a variety of fungi. But we don’t see the entire organism. What we see is called the fruiting body, the reproductive organ of a fungus. Hidden inside the wood is the body of the fungus. If out vision could penetrate the wood we would see, interlaced with the wood fibers, a dense network of delicate threads, intersecting, branching and twining about the wood cells they are digesting. It’s like a plant whose only visible part is a flower. All the other parts, the stems, leaves, roots are invisible to us. What we see is the reproducive structure that doesn’t make seeds — it makes spores — by the millions or billions.

The part hidden from our vision is the body of the fungus. It is called a mycelium and is made of cells that look like threads. The threads are called hyphae (singular: hypha). The hyphae elongate and branch, each hypha secreting a mixture of chemicals that will digest the wood cells it encounters. 

Our only clue to how this hidden part of the fungus occupies its piece of wood is to look at the fruiting bodies it produces. Each species and each variety will produce a fruiting body that appears different and we can infer what part of a log is occupied by their myceliums. 

There are at least two groups of fan-shaped fruiting bodies on this log. The gray-colored group on the top are Turkey Tails. The brown colored group below are Violet-toothed Polypores.

What happens when a dead log is colonized by different kinds of fungi? Do they harmoniously share the log? Or do they actively secure their part of the wood? We can’t observe directly what goes on, but we can infer part of the interaction. It appears that Robert Frost was right: “Good fences make good neighbors.” As the mycelia explore the wood and come into contact they start walling off their domain. One of the ways this is done is by synthesis of a dark pigment called melanin. (Yes, melanin is what makes our skin and hair brown or black. It’s really a class of compounds that have similar properties.)

The defensive secretion of melanin leaves a trace of where mycelia  have met. Those pieces of wood are used by wood artisans to make specialty wood items like turned bowls or violins. Such wood is known as “spalted” and an example is seen below. The right side of the wood slice shows several areas delimited by heavy dark lines. Within each delimited area the different colors, light, pale tan, or darker brown reflect the different type of fungi that “own” the circumscribed area, In the lightest area the fungus was digesting the lignen, leaving behind the lighter colored cellulose.


Spalted ‘beech cross section
The heavy dark lines are the pigments produced by “warring” mycelia
photo by M J Richardson via Wikipedia Commons.


For more photographs of today’s Ramble visit this page.


Turkey Tail Fungus     Trametes versicolor
Violet-toothed Polypore     Trichaptum biforme
Carbon Balls     Daldinia concentrica
Perforated Ruffle Lichen     Parmotrema perforatum
Veitch’s Winterhazel     Corylopsis veitchiana
Pawpaw     Asimina triloba
White Oak     Quercus alba
Poison Ivy     Toxicodendron radicans
American Beech     Fagus grandifolia
Script lichen     Graphis sp.
Changeable Mantleslug     Megapallifera mutabilis
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker     Sphyrapicus varius
Hophornbeam       Ostrya virginiana
American Holly tree     Ilex opaca
Speckled Blister Lichen     Viridothelium virens
Elliott’s Blueberry     Vaccinium elliottii
Northern Red Oak     Quercus rubra
False Turkey Tail fungus     Stereum lobatum
Coral Pink Merulius     Byssomerulius incarnatus
Hypoxylon Canker      Biscogniauxia (Hypoxylon) atropunctatum
Slimy Salamander     Plethodon glutinosus
Black Sooty Mold     Scorias spongiosa
Beech Drops     Epifagus virginiana
Ceramic Parchment Fungus     Xylobolus frustulatus

Ramble Report March 3 2022

Leader for today’s Ramble: Linda
Link to Don’s Facebook album for this Ramble. All the photos that appear in this report, unless otherwise credited, were taken by Don Hunter.
Today’s report: was written by Linda and Dale, based on notes taken by Don.

Number of Ramblers today: 43
Today’s emphasis: Plants emerging in the Dunson Native Flora Garden.
Reading: March 1st entry from An Almanac for Moderns by Donald Culross Peattie. and modified to be gender neutral.

March First

Now is that sweet unwritten moment when all things are possible, are just begun. The little tree has not quite leafed. The mate is not yet chosen. To the ramblers in the woods all that they can find in heavy books will be of less worth than what they learn by sitting on a log and listening to the first quiver of sound from the marshes, or by prodding with a stick at the soil and turning out the sluggish beetles. It is good enough just to sit still and hold your palm out to the sunlight, like a leaf, and turn it over slowly, wondering:
What is light? What is flesh? What is it to be alive?

Show and Tell

Thorny Olive “cane” hanging on the beam where Gary threw it.

Gary Crider, one of our long time Ramblers, brought us a single “cane” from a Thorny Olive, Elaeagnus pungens, (pronounced: E-Lee-ag-nus pun-gens). Thorny Olive is an invasive plant species and Gary removes it for the Garden. He brought a long shoot that had numerous short side shoots, each ending in a leaf. Each of the side shoots was inclined downward which enables the longer stem to hook over the branches of surrounding trees. Gary demonstrated how this enables the plant to literally climb into a tree by throwing his sample into the air under the pergola. Sure enough, one of the side shoots hooked over one of the pergola beams.

Today’s Route:   From the Children’s Garden pergola we headed down the sidewalk through the Lower Shade Garden, leaving the sidewalk at the mulched path that leads down to the Dunson Native Flora Garden.  We moved through most of the garden paths before returning to the Children’s Garden.




Robert Frost’s famous poem, Nothing Gold Can Stay, always comes to mind this time of year, when every twig and bud seems ready to burst into life. Here is the first stanza of the poem:


Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.

And yet to my eye, here in the Georgia Piedmont, nature’s first green is…red. From the blush pink of the Piedmont Azalea’s bud scales to the scarlet blaze of Red Maple flowers and fruits to the deep burgundy of Painted Buckeye’s emerging leaves, red is the color of early spring. We owe these fleeting hues to a plant pigment called anthocyanin.

Everyone knows about chlorophyll, the pigment that gives plants their greenness. We learn in basic biology classes that chlorophyll absorbs red and blue wavelengths of light and reflects the green wavelengths back to our eyes. Less well known and understood is another plant pigment called anthocyanin. Although debate still rages in the pages of botanical journals, there is an emerging consensus that anthocyanins are not just incidental byproducts of plant biochemistry, as previously thought, but are in fact critical to the survival of many plants. More and more roles for anthocyanin are being identified, among them: alerting migratory birds to autumn fruits hidden among red and orange leaves; warning hungry insects away from possibly toxic leaves and fruits; and, camouflaging leaves to some color-blind mammal herbivores.

In early spring, anthocyanin appears to play the important role of protecting tender new growth from sun damage. New growth in our Piedmont forests emerges while the canopy is still bare, allowing strong white light to reach the forest floor. To a certain degree, this is good: photosynthesis can gear up and plant growth and reproduction can commence. But too much of this good thing can inhibit the plant’s ability to conduct photosynthesis. Anthocyanin limits the amount of light that reaches the plant’s photosynthetic machinery by reflecting the red and blue wavelengths and by absorbing ultraviolet radiation.

Pink bud scales of the Piedmont Azalea protect developing tissues
Camellia flowers with showy stamens are luring several pollinators, including Western Honey Bees and Common Flower Flies.


Camellia flowers with stamens may produce fruit in late summer. However, some of the Camellia varieties in the Shade Garden have “doubled” flowers that are prized by horticulturists. Doubled flowers have lost their stamens due to a mutation that converts stamens into petals; mutated plants are then selectively bred for the nursery trade. Doubling has been known to horticulturists since the 3rd century BC and is responsible for many popular ornamentals such as roses and carnations. Doubled flowers are of no interest to insects since the nectaries are covered by petals and the pollen-producing stamens are nonexistent.

Common Flower Fly drinking from a large water droplet on a Camellia leaf.


Chattahoochee Trilliums are always the first trillium to flower in the Dunson Garden.

Chattahoochee Trillium is native to the Coastal Plain of southwest Georgia and adjacent parts of Florida and Alabama. Its early emergence in the Piedmont testifies to its deep south origin. It is distinguished by its long stalk, almost twice as long as its leaves, and by the bright silvery-white stripe down the midvein of each leaf. Here in the Dunson Garden, it has been brought together with the Sweet Betsy Trillium, a Piedmont species that has shorter stalks and no midvein stripe, a co-occurrence that is rare in the wild. Trilliums in Dunson that seem to have traits of both these species are probably hybrids. Note the deep red of the stems–anthocyanin at work!

Sweet Betsy Trillium has mottled leaves and sessile flowers but lacks the silvery stripe down the midvein.  


Chattahoochee Trillium and Sweet Betsy Trillium belong to the subgroup within the genus Trillium that has mottled leaves and flowers that sit directly on top of the leaves (sessile flowers). The flowers range in color from deep maroon to a bronzy yellow. Georgia has about 24 Trillium species, more than any other state; about 12 species of these are sessile trilliums.

of Painted Buckeye emerging from the protection of its red and green
bud scales. Buckeyes have opposite twigs and leaves; this pattern can
also be seen in the arrangement of the bud scales.


Golden Ragwort buds enclosed by purple-tinged bracts.

The bracts – small, leaf-like structures — that enclose the flower heads of Golden Ragwort are suffused with reddish purple anthocyanin pigments that protect the developing flowers within from sun damage. Interestingly, the basal leaves (not shown here) are also tinged with purple on the lower surface. The function of anthocyanin on the undersides of leaves (such as those of Cranefly Orchid) is still being researched.


of Leatherwood are narrow tubes with four shallow lobes at the tips.
The flowers are visited by bees – a honeybee in this photo – that gather
nectar from the base of the flower and pollen from its eight protruding

Leatherwood is a deciduous shrub in the Thymelaceae family, and is the only native member of this family in the U.S. (Edgeworthia or Paper-bush, an ornamental exotic shrub whose incredibly fragrant flowers perfume the winter garden, is also in this family.) Leatherwood occurs infrequently in moist deciduous forests from the Florida Panhandle north to Nova Scotia and southern Quebec. Named for its flexible stems and very tough bark, Leatherwood was used by Native Americans for making baskets, bow strings, sandals, and rope.

Spring Beauties, a true harbinger of spring at the Botanical Garden, opened its tiny pink and white flowers this week.  

Virginia Spring Beauty with narrow leaves and Carolina Spring Beauty with diamond-shaped leaves both occur in the Dunson Garden. They are “spring ephemerals,” plants that emerge in early spring, quickly flower and fruit, then disappear, having completed their entire life cycle in the space of a few weeks. The flowers are visited by both female and male Spring Beauty Bees (Andrena erigeniae) which collect pollen only from Spring Beauties. The female bees form the pink pollen into balls and deposit them in underground chambers along with their eggs. As temperatures warm, the larvae emerge and eat the pollen balls. The larvae pupate during the summer and develop into adults by late fall. Adults spend the winter underground, emerging in the spring when they mate on the petals of Spring Beauties.

Walter’s Violet flowers are small, blue or purple, with a white throat.


Walter’s Violet is an early spring bloomer. Its runners spread from a cluster of leaves, forming small colonies. The heart-shaped overwintering leaves are dull green with dark veins; the lower leaf surface usually has purplish veins or a tinge of purple near the base. The leaf tips are rounded and the margins are finely toothed. This is an easily overlooked plant with small blue flowers and is often mistaken for the much larger, glossy-leaved Common Blue Violet (Viola sororia).

A new Bloodroot flower emerging from a furled leaf.:
Cut-leaf Toothwort is coming into its own, with its pink, anthocyanin-protected buds opening into white flowers.

Cut-leaf Toothwort is a member of the Brassica (Mustard) family that includes many of our cool season vegetables such as mustard and collard greens. Toothwort’s leaves and underground stems are also edible, with a sharp taste much like turnips.

Male Falcate Orangetip butterfly. The females lack the orange coloration.
Photo by Andy Reago & Chrissy McClarren, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons.

Plants of the mustard family contain compounds called glucosinolates that give them a pungent taste. But some herbivores have evolved ways to eat mustards. One of our butterfly species, the Falcate
Orangetip, emerges in early spring and searches for mustards like
toothworts to lay their eggs on. Although we did not see one today, Orangetips have been seen in the Dunson Garden before. Look for them during the next two weeks.

A group of Trailing Trillium hugging the ground.

Trailing Trillium or Decumbent Trillium. A small cluster of Trilliums appeared to be stemless, the leaves hugging the ground. But they do have stems – they are just lying flat on the ground. That’s where the “decumbent” in the specific name comes from.  When the stem emerges from the ground it bends 90 degrees and further elongation results in it creeping along under the leaf litter. After growing horizontally several inches the bud end bends 90 degrees upward and emerges through the leaf litter.

Green and Gold
Normally there are five yellow florets.

Green and Gold. This link to the Clemson University Factsheet for Green and Gold is a gold mine of information about the varieties, propagation and characteristics of this winter-green species. It can be used as a ground cover in place of plants like English Ivy.

Flower buds of Dwarf Pawpaw

Dwarf Pawpaw (Asimina parviflora) is the smaller, shrubbier cousin to the bigger Pawpaw, Asimina triloba. In both species the flower buds open before the leaf buds swell. The buds will open soon, if the warm weather keeps up. The petals are a deep wine red or purple in color. This reminded early investigators of rotting meat and they assumed that carrion flies were the chief pollinators. But, more recently, chemical analysis of the volatile compounds emitted by the flowers is more consistent with fermentation. It seems likely that the principle pollinators are flies and midges that feed on fermenting plant material.
The larger Pawpaw species is not planted in the Dunson Garden, but a “Pawpaw patch” can be found next to the sidewalk across from the Heritage Garden.

Georgia Dwarf Trillium
The leaf lobes of Sharp-lobed Hepatica are not as rounded as those of its close relative, Round-lobed Hepatica.

Flowers of Little Brown Jugs are under the leaf litter. These are pink (with anthocyanin?) and should turn brown later.

Little-brown Jug hides its flowers under the leaf litter.Why would any plant bury its flowers out of sight? Flowers are
supposed to attract pollinators like bees, flies, butterflies or moths. Hiding
the flower under dead leaves would seem a poor strategy for attracting

How do we discover what pollinates a flower? Normally you sit and
watch, but that strategy fails when the flower is out of sight. If you remove
the litter so that you can see the flowers you disturb the area so much that
the normal pollinators, whatever they are, may not appear. So people who have
investigated this question have resorted to indirect methods. They have
enclosed the plants or just the flowers in cages that exclude insects to see if
seeds are still produced. Caged plants do produce
seeds, but not as many as uncaged plants. This indicates that these flowers are
capable of self-pollination, but that more seed can be produced when
pollinators are have access to the flowers. The actual pollinators remain unknown, but possible candidates are ants, beetles or fungus gnats.


A tachinid fly visiting the staminate (male) flowers of a Spicebush. All the flowers of a single plant are of the same sex.
Female flowers of Spicebush. The pistils with their style and stigma are clearly visible. All the flowers on a single Spicebush plant are the same sex.

Spicebush is an early blooming shrub that is unusual in having the sexes on separate plants. Approximately 7% of the flowering plant species have this arrangement of the sexes. 
Mary Anne Borge has a beautifully illustrated blog post that explores the Spicebush and its interactions with other organisms. All Ramblers should take a look; it can be found at this link


Seersucker Sedge inflorescences
Staminate florets on top, Pistilate flowers below
Pistilate florets close up
Staminate florets closeup

Seersucker sedge, like other sedges, is monoecious, bearing different sexes in different areas.

Gender arrangements in flowering plants.

The typical flower, as taught to most of us at an early age, has two reproductive parts: the stamens and the pistil. The stamens produce pollen and are usually considered the plant’s male reproductive structures. The pistil (or pistils) produce the seeds, so they are considered to be the female structures. The “typical” flower has both stamens and pistils. Such a flower is termed bisexual or “perfect” and the plant that bears such flowers is termed “hermaphroditic.”


Those of you who have grown zucchini may have observed that only some flowers on a plant produce a squash. They are the ones that have a swelling at the base of the flower. The swelling is the ovary, the part of the pistil that produces the seeds and the squash. Those other flowers have stamens but no pistils. The flowers in plants like zucchini are all unisexual, i.e., not “perfect.” 


A plant with imperfect flowers of both sexes is termed “monoecious,” (pronounced: “moan-EE-shus”).


Examples of monoecious plants are: oaks, corn and sedges,


A third arrangement of genders in plants is found in Spicebush: all flowers are unisexual and each plant has flowers of one sex only. This condition is termed “dioecious”, pronounced: “dye-EE-shus.”


Examples of dioecious plants are: hollies, Spicebush and Wax Myrtle. 


Why so many gender arrangements? One of the things that may play a role in the evolution of monoecy and dioecy is the avoidance of self-fertilization. All plants and animals carry recessive genes that are unfavorable when brought together. Self-fertilization greatly increases the chances producing such genetic problems and monoecy and dioecy reduces those chances. But what about hermaphroditic plants? They reduce the chances of producing unfavorable genetic combinations by self incompatibility. In many plants self-pollen will be prevented from fertilizing ovules of the same plant. 

Virginia Bluebell flower buds are pink but change color to blue when opened.

Virginia Bluebells

Rue Anemone

Rue Anemone is found scattered throughout the Dunson Gardem. Larger areas of abundance can be found along the Orange Trail and the White spur Trail.

Carolina Anole

Carolina Anoles become active with warmer temperatures. They change color from brown to green and vice versa. It is thought that the brown color phase helps absorb heat from the sun. The change from one color to another is not immediate, it takes about 5 to 10 minutes, depending on temperature. The green color is thought to be concealing coloration when clambering among vegetation. They also are green when stressed. These ideas are best thought of as hypotheses, rather than proven facts.


Piedmont Azalea             Rhododendron canescens
Camellia                          Camellia japonica
Western Honey Bee        Apis mellifera
Common Flower Fly        Syrphus ribesii
Chattahoochee Trillium   Trillium decipiens
Painted Buckeye             Aesculus sylvatica
Florida Anise                   Illicium floridanum
Sweet Betsy Trillium       Trillium cuneatum
Golden Ragwort              Packera aurea
Black Cohosh                  Actaea racemosa
Leatherwood                   Dirca palustris
Carolina Spring Beauty   Claytonia caroliniana
Virginia Spring Beauty     Claytonia virginica
Walter’s Violet                  Viola walteri
Bloodroot                         Sanguinaria canadensis
Trailing Trillium                Trillium decumbens
Cut-leaf Toothwort           Cardamine concatenata
Green-and-Gold              Chrysogonum virginianum
Dwarf Pawpaw                Asimina parviflora
Georgia Trillium               Trillium georgianum
Sharp-lobed Hepatica      Hepatica acutiloba
Allegheny Spurge            Pachysandra procumbens
Little Brown Jugs             Hexastylis arifolia
Spicebush                        Lindera benzoin
Rue Anemone                Thalictrum thalictroides
Carolina Anole                 Anolis carolinensis
Seersucker sedge            Carex plantaginea

FINE Things 63

How lizards shed their tails. (Video and text) [link]

Do birds have “culture”? Find out by viewing this webinar. [link]

The calorie counter. Evolutionary anthropologist Herman Pontzer busts myths about how humans burn calories-and why. [link]

February 22, 2022: A Twos Day on a Tuesday. The date, when written in the m-dd-yy format, consists only of twos: 2-22-22. It also falls on a Tuesday! From:[link] 

How warp-speed evolution is transforming ecology. Darwin thought evolution was too slow to change the environment on observable timescales. Ecologists are discovering that he was wrong.

From Linda: A parasitic wasp unmasked: one species is actually 16 species. [link]

What drives sea level rise? US report warns of 1-foot rise within three decades and more frequent flooding. A sea level scientist explains the two main ways climate change is threatening the coasts. [link]

How poisonous mercury gets from coal-fired power plants into the fish you eat. The Biden administration is moving to revive mercury limits for coal-fired power plants. A scientist explains mercury’s health risks and the role power plants play. [link]

FINE Things 62

The extinction crisis that no one’s talking about. Coffee, wine, and wheat varieties are among the foods we could lose forever. [link]

Deluge of dog pee and poo harming nature reserves, study suggests. Urine and feces creating nitrogen and phosphorus levels that would be illegal on farms, scientists calculate.

Bumble Bee Short Course for Community Scientists: building skills of community scientists. Anyone interested in bumble bee biodiversity, ecology and conservation will want to join us on six consecutive Fridays from 1PM to 2:30PM EASTERN, March 18th — April 22nd. Register once, attend any session. A weekly schedule will be forwarded to registrants. (If you miss an episode it will be available later as a recording to those who registered.)
Register here.

Thanks to David Miller for this link. This discussion of world demographic trends with Dr. Darrell Bricker should be viewed by everyone. (30 min presentation followed by a great Q and A.) [link]

The world of the dragonfly. (~50 mins) [link]

Sneaky Orchid Tricks a Wasp | The Green Planet | BBC Earth [link]

These Seeds Can Walk! | The Green Planet | BBC Earth

Parasite in the Poo | The Green Planet | BBC Earth [link]

The fastest carnivorous plant in the world.

Book Excerpt from Endangered Maize

Sunflowers’ bee-attracting ultraviolet also helps retain moisture. The dual purposes of the plants’ hidden colors may conflict as the climate warms, authors of a new study suggest. [


A practice, which hasn’t been previously observed among nonhuman animals, may be a display of empathy. [link]

The Angiosperm Terrestrial Revolution and the origins of modern biodiversity
technical paper, but you can read the summary and view the video at the
beginning. Those of you with a little more botanical background can
read further.
