Ramble Report April 2 2015

Thirtyone Ramblers assembled for our walk today.

This post
was written by Dale Hoyt. The photos are by Don Hunter. You can find more of
Don’s photos of the ramble here.
(I hope you’ll all give Don the credit he deserves. His photographs are
wonderful and he works as hard as any of us to make these posts useful,
informative and, we hope, interesting.)

announced that our fellow ramblers, Ed and Sue Wilde, have been selected for
this year’s Alec Little Environmental Award for their many years of labor in
removing invasive plants from public areas in Athens (the Botanical Garden and
Memorial Park). We salute you, Ed and Sue! (This year’s award will be presented
April 17 at the annual GreenFest Awards Ceremony at Flinchum’s Phoenix.)

The reading this week was sung by Jackie Elsner. Jackie has
adapted many poems by Byron Herber Reece, a north Georgia poet, to a cappella


Plum, peach. apple and pear

And the service tree on
the hill

Unfold blossom and leaf.

From them comes scented

As the brotherly petals

Their tenure is bright
and brief.

We could wish them a
longer stay.

We could wish them a
charmed bough

On a hill untouched by
the flow

Of consuming time; but

Are lovelier, dearer now

Because they are soon to

Plum, peach, apple and

And the service blooms
whiter than snow.

From Bow Down in Jericho, 1950, by Byron Herbert Reece.

Our route: Leaving the arbor we
headed down through the Shade Garden, exiting the paved path onto the mulched portion
of the White trail leading into the Dunson Native Flora Garden. We wandered through
the Dunson garden and then up the road to the White trail and over to the power
line. Some of us then went up the hill to see if the Serviceberry was in bloom.
Then it was back to the Arbor and Donderos’.

Above the Dunson garden: Before reaching the Dunson garden we discovered a large group of

A patch of naturalized Trillium

Trilliums are not found in the natural areas of the Garden so it is puzzling to
find them here, outside of the Dunson garden. These plants have “escaped”
from the confines of the planted garden. But how did they do it? Plants have
many ways of colonizing new areas. Dandelions provide their seeds with
parachutes that can be blown about by the wind, Trillium seeds have no such
devices. Like many of the spring ephemerals they rely on ants to carry their
seeds away and plant them. Each seed has a fleshy projection or cap, called an
elaiosome, that is relished by ants. When an ant discovers a Trillium seed it
carries it back to the nest and hands it to another ant that eats the
elaiosome. The seed is discarded on the refuse heap of the ant colony. It can then
germinate in its own well fertilized little patch of soil. But the distance
from this Trillium patch to the nearest source of seeds is pretty large. Could
an ant walk that far? Some recent publications have offered an alternative
means of transportation. Yellow jacket wasps have been observed opening the
seed capsules and carrying off the seeds. Like the ants, they consume the
nutritious elaiosome and discard the seed. So whenever you see a beautiful
spring flower don’t forget to thank an ant or a wasp!

Nearby the Trillium someone noticed some
fiddleheads. These are the early shoots of ferns, in this

Christmas fern fiddlehead

case Christmas fern.
The new growth of many ferns is rolled up when it emerges from the ground. As
the shoot elongates it unrolls and this stage of development resembles the
curved end of a violin, hence the name “fiddlehead.” Some of the
ramblers said that they were edible and could be purchase in grocery stores in
the new england states. It is only in this early developmental stage that they
are edible – as they unroll and develop further they become bitter and noxious.
Most ferns are chemically protected; that is why you seldom see any evidence of
insect damage on them.

The Christmas fern is the most commonly
seen fern in the garden. The easiest way to recognize it is through the shape
of the leaflets: they have small projections at their base that makes them
resemble a stocking that might be hung next to the chimney over Christmas. (The
Christmas fern is also still green at Christmas time.)

Dunson garden:  As we entered the Dunson garden the number of
different plants in bloom was overwhelming – so many that it would be difficult
to discuss each in depth. So I’ll be selective and simply list what we saw and
keep the comments brief.

Perfoliate bellwort
  • ·        
    Dwarf crested iris
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    Rue anemone – a small number are still blooming.
  • ·        
    Perfoliate bellwort – a small number scattered
    about the garden are now blooming.
  • ·        
    Faded trillium or small yellow toadshade – a patch
    of this rare Trillium had a few plants in bloom. The tips of the yellow petals

    have a small projection that distinguishes this Trillium from other

    Pale yellow trillium

    flowered toadshades. (The Trilliums are divided into two groups, the toad
    shades that have short, strap-like petals that arise directly out of the three
    leaves and the wake robins that have a stem with a single conventional

  • ·        
    Blue phlox 
    Phlox divaricata
  • ·        
    Virginia bluebell
  • ·        
    Dutchman’s breeches
  • ·        
  • ·        
    Squirrel corn – one plant, not yet blooming
  • ·        
    Green and gold
  • ·        
    Shooting stars – in bloom and now starting to
    spread around the garden.
  • What’s in a name? The original genus name for Shooting Star was Dodecatheon, which litterally means “12 Gods.” Here is what Gods and Goddesses in the Garden by
    Shooting star

    Peter Bernhardt has to say about the origin of this strange name:

    • “The genus Dodecatheon consists of fourteen species of perennial wildflowers that Americans know as shooting stars.British horticulturists often call them American cowslips. One species is found in Siberia, but all the rest are unique to North America.They are members of the primrose family (Primulaceae) and flower in early spring. Selective breeding produced some forms hardy in shady gardens. The tinted flowers nod on their stalks, and the petals curve backward, giving them the appearance of comets or falling stars. Like all members of the primrose family, Dodecatheon
      species produce floral organs in whorls of five, not six or twelve.  

    • Li
      nnaeus’s name for this genus looks inappropriate until we consider what true primroses meant to Greek culture. The ancient Greeks believed that their native oxlip (Primula elatior) was a cureall. Because it conquered every ailment, the plant must have enjoyed the approval of each of the twelve Olympians. Consequently, root collectors (the rhizotomi) called the oxlip the dodekatheon. The oldest herbals and treatises on medicinal plants always referred to oxlips, primroses, and cowslips as primulas (the first ones of spring). Linnaeus had to follow his own rules, and he named the primrose genus Primula. He then transferred the name Dodecatheon
      to the shooting stars to establish that these North American flowers were close relatives of Grecian oxlips, sharing similar flower, stem, and leaf characteristics.”

    Now, alas, Dodecatheon has been placed back in the genus Primula and only a few people with a strange fascination for the origin or words will ever know this story. I apologize if you’re not strange enough.

  • ·        
    Golden ragwort – in bloom and not as abundant as
    last year. It tends to take over the garden, so it has probably been
    deliberately thinned.
  • ·        
    Red buckeye – this is a coastal plain species
    with red flowers. Otherwise it looks

    Red Buckeye 

    very similar to the Painted buckeye, a
    species with yellow flowers that grows in the piedmont. The two species can

  • ·        
    Decumbent Trillium – has short stems or stems
    that lie along the ground so the three leaves and flower seem to sit flush on
    the soil.
  • ·        
    Foam flower – a few of these are in bloom. The
    leaves look similar to those of Alum root.
  • ·        
    Alum root – I saw only leaves. Did anyone see
    them in bloom?
  • ·        
    Southern nodding trillium – a single flower (one
    of the wake robins) blooming in the dry creek bed.
  • ·        
    Celandine wood poppy – these are in bloom and scattered
    about the garden. There is an especially nice one growing on the soil of an
    upended tree stump.
  • ·        
    Mayapples – we paused to look a large, clonal
    patch of these plants. Each apparently separate plant is connected to all the
    others by an underground rhizome,

    Mayapple clone

    so they are really genetically identical.
    There are two growth forms: 1) plants with a single stem supporting, in the
    center, a single, parasol shaped leaf and 2) plants with a forked stem
    supporting two leaves. Only the two leaved plants produce flowers and we could
    see the developing bud at this time. All parts of the Mayapple are poisonous,
    except the ripe fruit. Box turtles are known to enjoy the fruit and probably
    assist in dispersing the seeds. The poison acts by preventing the replication
    of DNA in dividing cells and has been used in cancer chemotherapy. Since
    cancerous cells divide rapidly the poison can kill them, but it also kills
    normal cells that are dividing. That is why chemotherapy is so debilitating –
    it is literally a race to kill the cancerous cells before the patient is

  • ·        
    Twin leaf – a very rare plant at the end of its
    bloom; a single petal remained.
  • ·        
    Leatherwood – this shrub with flexible twigs was
    one of the first to bloom. We saw it covered with flowers (and bees) on March
    5. It is no longer blooming but a few fruits are starting to develop.

White Trail: We left the Dunson garden,
heads spinning from all the different flower names, and walked up
the road and turned left on the White trail.

This was a
good time to walk this part of the White trail because we found two trees in
bloom: an American Beech and a Hop hornbeam.

The Beech
has separate male and female flowers and each tree has flowers of both sexes.

Beech flowers & new leaves

Such flowers are termed “imperfect” and if the plant bears both types
of imperfect flowers it is called monoecious. (“Perfect” flowers have
both male and female structures; a

Beech male inflorescence

plant with perfect flowers is called
hermaphroditic.) Typically in wind-pollinated flowers the petals of both sexes
are very inconspicuous (they would just interfere with the pollination process).
 You can see in the photo of the Beech
male flower the anthers (structures that produce pollen) are openly exposed to
the air. Unlike the male flowers the female flowers are very inconspicuous. It
is from them that the Beech nuts will later develop.

Like the
Beech, the Hop hornbeam is monoecious, each tree

Hop hornbeam male catkins

bearing separate male and
female flowers. The male flowers are found on catkins – these are the long
stalks with numerous male flowers that hang down from the twigs to which they
are attached. Each catkin is also an inflorescence, the name given to a stalk
bearing an number of flowers. The female hornbeam flowers are very
inconspicuous and hard to see without a hand lens. Don has a beautiful photo of
one female inflorescence. The purple threads you see are the stigmas, the part
of the female flower that receives the pollen. This tiny inflorescence will
develop into an series of overlapping

Hop hornbeam female inflorescence

sacks, each bearing a single seed. This
collection of fruits resembles hops, a flavoring ingredient used in beers,
hence the common name of the tree: Hop hornbeam. We’ll periodically look at
this tree this spring and summer and you will be able to watch the fruits

Both the
Beech and Hop hornbeam are similar in that they do not flower every year. This
individual Hop hornbeam last flowered in 2012. I cannot remember ever seeing
the Beech in flower. Why would a tree not flower every year? Many spring
flowering trees like Dogwood or Crab apples produce flowers annually. Why can’t
a Beech be more like a Dogwood? Perhaps the answer lies in the difference in
how they are pollinated. Both the Beech and the Hop hornbeam are wind
pollinated. The must produce prodigious amounts of pollen to maximize their
reproductive potential. Dogwoods and other similar trees can depend on insects
like honey bees to carry their pollen to another tree, so they don’t have to
produce as much. But they have to make attractive flowers and produce nectar to
attract pollinators. But maybe the total cost is less. Another factor that is
involved is what is called the masting habit. Many tree species produce large
seed crops only every few years. But all the trees over very large areas
produce these abundant seeds at the same times. Local conditions don’t seem to
matter. No one really knows why or how trees do this. I’ll discuss this problem
in another post sometime.

Climbing in
the branches of nearby trees is a vine with yellow blossoms – Carolina

Carolina jessamine; long pistil form

It has a nifty way to encourage cross pollination. Some plants have short
stamens and long pistils while others have just the reverse. (Stamens are the
male parts that produce pollen; pistils are the female parts to which the
pollen must adhere in order to produce seeds.) The pollen will be deposited on
different parts of a pollinators body, depending on the type of flower, and is
then more likely to fertilize a flower with matching pistil height.

Some of us
decided to walk up the power line right-of-way to see if the Serviceberry at
the top of the hill was blooming. Along the way we saw these plants in bloom:

  • ·        
    Blue bugle (Ajuga)
  • ·        
    Field madder
  • ·        
    Cedar apple rust – this is a fungus with a
    complex life cycle that alternates

    Cedar Apple Rust on Eastern Red Cedar

    between two hosts: 1) a Cedar tree and 2) an
    Apple tree (domesticated or related wild species). On the cedar it looks like a
    small tan or brown spherical swelling with dark spikes scattered over its
    surface. When it rains an orange growth swells out of the spikes and releases
    billions of spores. If a spore lands on an apple leaf it infects it and
    produces a completely different looking rusty patch. The infected leaf produces
    spores that, on contact, infect Cedar trees. If you have an apple orchard you
    don’t want to have any cedar trees within a few miles of your plants.

  • ·        
    Hog plum

Power line RoW:  We
really wanted to see if the Serviceberry was in bloom, but, of course, we
couldn’t help noticing other flowering plants (and one insect):

  • ·        
    Mantis egg case – Emily found the egg case of a
    Praying Mantis attached to

    Mantis egg case

    some weed stems. The eggs were laid last fall and
    encased in what looks like plastic foam that is secreted by the female Mantis.
    It protects the developing embryos and prevents them from drying out and being
    eaten. It will hatch later in the spring and 50-100 baby Mantises, each about
    1/8 inch long will crawl out of the egg case. Mantises are sometimes sold for
    pest control but they are a poor choice for that purpose. They will eat
    “bad” insects, but they are indiscriminant – they eat the good ones,
    like honey bees, as well. An insect has no sense of what is good and what is
    bad – it’s all food to them.

  • ·        
    Green and gold – a single blooming plant.
  • ·        
    Common blue violets
  • ·        
    Birdfoot violets – there are not as many of
    these beautiful violets as we have seen in previous years. It would be a shame
    if they disappear; this is the only place in the garden where they have been
  • ·        
    Bluets (sometimes called Quaker Ladies)
  • ·        
    Serviceberry tree – our Serviceberry was severly
    pruned by Georgia Power this year and only one remaining limb shows evidence of
    having already produced flowers. I could see a few fruits with my binoculars –
    where there are fruits there have to have been flowers.

Then it was
time to retrace our steps and adjourn to Donderos’ for coffee and conversation.


Common Name

Scientific Name


Trillium sp.

Trillium sp.

Christmas fern

Polystichum acrostichoides

Dwar) crested iris

Iris cristata

in bloom

Rue anemone

Thalictrum thalictroides

in bloom

Perfoliate bellwort

Uvularia perfoliata

in bloom

Pale yellow Trillium

Trillium discolor

in bloom

Wild Blue phlox 

Phlox divaricata

in bloom

Virginia bluebell

Mertensia virginica

in bloom

Dutchman’s breeches

Dicentra cucullaria

in bloom


Aquilegia canadensis

in bloom

Squirrel corn

Dicentra canadensis

Green and gold

Chrysogonum virginianum

in bloom

Shooting stars

Primula meadia

=Docecatheon meadia

in bloom

Golden ragwort

Packera aurea

=Senecio aureus

in bloom

Red buckeye

Aesculus pavia

in bloom

Decumbent trillium

Trillium decumbens

in bloom

Foam flower

Tiarella cordifolia

in bloom


Heuchera sp.

Southern nodding trillium

Trillium rugelii

in bloom

Celandine (wood) poppy

Stylophorum diphyllum

in bloom


Podophyllum peltatum

flower bud

Twin leaf

Jeffersonia diphylla

in bloom


Dirca palustris

forming fruit

American beech

Fagus grandifolia

in bloom

Hybrid buckeye

Aesculus pavia x A. sylvatica

in bloom

Common blue violets

Viola sororia

in bloom


Hedyotis pusilla

(=Houstonia pusilla)

in bloom

Blue bugle/bugleweed

Ajuga reptens

in bloom

Field madder

Sherardia arvensis

in bloom

Hop hornbeam

Ostrya virginiana

in bloom

Carollina jessamine

Gelsemium sempervirens

in bloom

Cedar apple rust


Hog plum

Prunus umbellata

in bloom

Mantis egg case

Order Mantodea

Serviceberry tree

Amelanchier arborea

forming fruit