report is written by Don.Here’s the link to Don’s Facebook album of
today’s Ramble.
Ramblers braved the chilly weather for the second ramble of the year.
Today’s reading:
Linda read an excerpt from The Forest Unseen by David George
Haskell, page 24:
“The impression of
desolation in the [winter forest] is superficial. Within the [forest] are
[millions] of plant cells, each one wrapped into itself, intensified in its
withdrawal. The quiet gray exterior of plants, like gunpowder, belies the
energy that is latent here. So, although titmice and other birds give a
vigorous display of life in January, they are trifles compared to the power
stored in the quiescent plants. When spring sparks the [plants], the energy
released will carry the whole forest, birds included, through another
route: Leaving the arbor, we made our way down to
the Administration Building, where we took the Scout Connector Trail, from the Adminstration
Building up to the China and Asia section of the International Garden. From here, we followed the paved path east to
the Purple Trail, which we took as far as the Purple Trail spur. We walked up the spur a short distance then
returned to the International Garden and made our way to the Visitor Center and
enjoyed conversation and refreshments at Donderos’ Kitchen.
Parking Lot:
Cross section of tree trunk |
Linda presented a description
of the major components of a tree, describing the location of all of the
vascular systems and the cork or bark layer.
Red Maple in full flower |
Red maple….something red on
red maple during each season…red flowers, red fruit, leaf stalks and, in
the fall, the leaves turn red.
Older bark is split and furrowed but younger bark, higher up, is
White Oak bark |
White oak….lower bark is
blocky but higher up, the bark takes on the typical shaggy character
attributed to white oaks. Bark has
low elasticity.
Administration Building:
Red Maple bark |
Red Maple near the Arbor: Older bark on trunk, with less elasticity in
its cork cambium, is furrowed where the cambium has split. Younger branches higher up are smooth.
Japanese maple
Red Maple female flowers |
Red maple, with
flowers….female flowers….tips on the ends of style branches in the
flower receive pollen…..wind pollinated, convenient since late winter
does not provide a lot of insects for insect pollination.
Chalk Maple retained leaves |
Marcesence…retention of
dead leaves throughout most of winter into early spring. American beech, chalk maple, hophornbeam
and, to a lesser extent, musclewood.
Why? Evolutionary leftover
from days when all trees were evergreen.
May deter deer from browsing new leaf buds. Also tends to be more prominent on
lower limbs.
Scout Connector Trail:
Red maple….red maple leaves
have teeth, sugar maple-type leaves don’t.
“The sugar rotted all of the teeth away!”
Florida maple (aka southern sugar
maple) versus Chalk Maple discussion:. Florida maple leaves are whitened
beneath, Chalk Maple leaves are green beneath. The “chalk” in Chalk Maple refers to the
whitish bark.
Leaf gall
False turkey tail mushroom
Mustard yellow polypore
Pignut Hickory bark |
Pignut hickory….has
occasional horizontal bands or breaks in the diamond shaped pattern of the
northern red oak with “ski
Hophornbeam |
At bend in trail, hophornbeam
with cat scratch bark
Chattahoochee(?) Trillium |
Trillium…Chattahoochee most
likely….seeds transported by yellow jackets from Dunson NFG, perhaps. Like Ants, yellow jackets like fatty
elaisosomes and transport them from where seeds were dropped to their
nests. Seeds dropped along the way
can sprout.
Cucumber Magnolia terminal bud |
Cucumber tree….cucumber
magnolia….fuzzy buds, similar to Ashe’s magnolia, but much smaller and
not as white appearing. Bark is
soft and flaky, red inner bark, forms small plates
Luna moth cocoon |
Luna moth cocoon found on the
ground. Luna moths pupate
on the
ground, Polyphemus moths pupate on branches.
Diatrype virescens fungus on Beech twig |
Diatrype virescens at beech
tree, ascomycete fungus seen on
dead/dying limbs/twigs – black spots erupting from bark layer
Black Tubakia leaf spot on
northern red oak leaes…probably caused by the Ascomycete fungus Tubakia dryina
Painted buckeye a piedmont shrub buckeye beautiful yellow flowers. Earliest shrub
to leaf out in Piedmont.
Hophornbeam again
White oak with white fungal
patches….fungus feeds only on bark
jury out on fungus that causes patches; one paper attributes it to Athelia macularis (Lair) and not the
hornbeam disk fungus.
Musclewood (AKA American hornbeam) |
Musclewood…..barely marcesent…
floodplains, mainly, liking dampish roots, but can be found on upland
soils near drainages
Resurrection ferns, 40-50 up |
Resurrection ferns high up in
two trees
Black gum blocky bark, square/rectangular blocks,
horizontal branches
White Ash bark |
ash….spongy, corky bark, with occasional girdles of smoother bark, opposite
twigs/limbs….probably white ash because of light rusty color of inner
Mockernut Hickory – large terminal bud |
hickory, with pronounced diamonds and thick, coarse twigs and fat leaf
Downed trees
loaded with false turkey tails, mustard yellow polypores, turkey tails
Split-gill mushrooms |
Common split
gill mushrooms
Hairy Bittercress (AKA Creasy Greens) |
Hairy Bittercress
Winged elm,
young with minor wings and very thin outer twigs
sapling also with minor wings, but with thicker twigs and buds, youngest
growth brassy/bronzy green color
Black cherry
Box elder,
actually a maple….ash leaf maple,,,,Manitoba maple
holly….native americans made “black drink” an emetic…popular landscape
plant now
Purple Trail Spur:
Hornbeam disc
Short leaf
pine…small cones, short needles, busy crown, the bark with tiny resin
pits or canals not seen on Loblolly bark
pine fewer cones, longer needles,
long limbed
Red |
Acer rubrum |
White |
Quercus alba |
Japanese |
Acer palmatum |
Chalk |
Acer leucoderme |
False |
Stereum ostrea |
Mustard |
Phellinus gilvus |
Pignut |
Carya glabra |
Northern |
Quercus rubra |
Hophornbeam |
Ostraya virginiana |
Chattahoochee |
Trillium decipiens |
Cucumber |
Magnolia acuminata |
Luna |
Actias luna |
Diatrype virescens |
Tubakia |
Tubakia dryina |
Painted |
Aesculus sylvatica |
Musclewood |
Carpinus caroliniana |
Resurrection |
Pleopeltis polypodiodes |
Black |
Nyssa sylvatica |
White |
Fraxinus americana |
Mockernut hickory |
Carya tomentosa |
Turkey tail mushrooms |
Trametes |
Common split gill mushroom |
Schizophyllum |
Hairy cress |
Cardamine hirsuta |
Winged elm |
Ulmus alata |
Sweetgum |
Liquidambar |
American pokeweed |
Phytolacca |
Black cherry |
Prunus serotina |
Box elder |
Acer negundo |
Hairy bittercress |
Cardamine |
Yaupon holly |
Ilex vomitoria |
Cleavers/catchweed |
Galium aparine |
Hornbeam disc mushroooms |
Aleurodiscus |
Short leaf pine |
Pinus echinata |
Loblolly pine |
Pinus taeda |