FINE Things July 17-24

Fun, Interesting, Novel, Exciting Things

Invasive earthworms are in the northeast and they are here in Georgia too! Emily and I found a strange worm on our daily walk yesterday. It looked and moved like a small snake. I think it was a Crazy Worm, Amynthas agrestis. See the link above for a photo. Here is a video of one of these worms. Notice the snake-like movement as it attempts to escape.


Do you like podcasts? And plants? Then you will enjoy this source of podcasts about things botanical. Scroll through the various offerings and you’ll be sure to find something that piques your curiosity. In Defense of Plants Podcasts

Here’s another compilation of podcasts from the Royal Botanical Garden in Australia.

How can migratory birds can find their destination? Scientists think they can sense the earth’s magnetic field. But how? Find out here.

Want to know how viruses evolve?

I know a lot of Ramblers are bird watchers and many can identify birds by their vocalizations. But the “Old Sam Peabody-Peabody-Peabody” call of the White-throated sparrows may soon be a thing of the past.

Coming up next month: a Webinar on Snakes of Georgia, August 14, 2020; Noon to 1 PM; to register email: