FINE Things No. 18

This week I’m bringing to you an uncensored collection of things I found this past week. Usually I take a second look and prune from the list items that I think will not appeal to the majority of Nature Ramblers. But, today, I’m letting you decide for yourself. There are a lot of videos on various subjects, some not directly nature related.

Note: I added this link on 10/29 so Ramblers could get information on the upcoming “Micro Blue Moon” on October 31, Halloween.

1. This beetle’s stab-proof exoskeleton makes it almost indestructible
2. High-jumping beetle inspires agile robots. Machines could get themselves out of a sticky spot, thanks to an insect that can right itself without using its legs.

3. Some Ramblers will remember finding “fern balls” at the ends of fronds. Here’s a reminder of what they look like. More information and photographs is found here.
4. The Booming Call of De-extinction. Scientists seek to combine genome editing with a technique used in chicken breeding to try to bring back lost birds.
5. How to Reintroduce a Long-Lost Species. Conservation biologist John Ewen discusses the recent reintroduction of Tasmanian devils to mainland Australia after a 3,000-year absence and issues that need to be considered when bringing long-departed animals back into an area.
6. The only insect that lives on the open ocean – Halobates.
7. A fly that lays eggs in barnacles
8. Sharks have unusual ways of reproducing.
9. Eradication of rats from islands
10. Removing rats from Palmyra Island to recover an ecosystem
11. Paint can cool buildings
12. The Nazca plains in Peru are famous for the lines and figures that can only be seen from the air. Now a huge cat has been found etched into the desert among Nazca Lines in Peru
13. Opinion: Scoundrels, Saints, and the Fiction of Individual Genius
14. How China could be carbon neutral by mid-century
15. Footprints Mark a Toddler’s Perilous Prehistoric Journey
16. Watch a starfish gallop!
17. Is a spider’s web part of its brain?
18. A new microscopic technique produces vivid views of living microorganisms!
19. Why bird nests are not filled with poop.
20. Tardigrades – everyone’s favorite water bear. They can withstand extremes: low temperature, high temperature, radiation, outer space.
21. Veritasium on why mosquitos are attracted to you.
22. Think those yellow flowers are dandelions? They’re most likely something else. Dandelions have many doppelgangers, among them the most successful plant you’ve never heard of: cat’s ears
23. The silent star of classic Westerns is a plant on a mission. It starts out green and full of life. It even grows flowers. But to reproduce effectively it needs to turn into a rolling brown skeleton.
24. Is success luck or hard work?
25. Like it or not, Joro spiders are here to stay.
26. Ever wonder what happens to all the “vermin” that die? Probably not. But it’s a fascinating story and flies play a role in the battle for the corpses.