FINE Things 55

I wish you all a Happy New Year and hope we all can get out from under the thumb of the covid virus. Paraphrasing Spock: “Be well and prosper!”


Gary and Ted both recommend this article on tornado weather in a warming climate. [link]

From National Geographic: The 12 most intriguing animal discoveries of 2021; From ants that can regrow their brains to the world’s tiniest reptile. [link]

Zebra Finch
The original uploader was Nv8200p at English Wikipedia.
Attribution, via Wikimedia Commons

Gary Crider says this article is fascinating! While still in the egg, Zebra Finch chicks  alter the way their mitochondria work in response to their parents calls.  [link]

David Miller recommends this broader perspective on Covid from Nicolas Christakis, Prof of Social and Natural Sciences at Yale. [link]

This piece, from Nature, tells, in detail, the story of how mRNA vaccines were developed. (The covid vaccines are mRNA based).  [link]


The winter solstice is noticed by honey bees. Learn more at [link]

Can animals understand magic tricks? The New Scientist has an article about European Jays that can be fooled and what that tells us about their mental processes. [link]

Ted LaMontagne liked this article about a fossilized dinosaur embryo still in the egg shell. (From the Washington Post): [link]

This article in the New Scientist discusses the problems in understanding how the ancestors of New World Monkeys could have traveled from Africa to the New World.  [link]

A history of European mistletoes. [link]