Bumblebee (or Bumble bee) (photo by Don Hunter) |
Outstanding webinar on Bumble bees and native plants. Don’t miss this! [link]
Why gardeners should stop using peat, and what to use instead [link]
Study explores how temperate rainforests can aid the fight against climate change. [link]
Grasslands more reliable carbon sink than trees [link]
99 million-year-old flowers found perfectly preserved in amber bloomed at the feet of dinosaurs [link]
Lyme and other tick-borne diseases are on the rise. But why? [link]
Losing amphibian diversity also means losing poison diversity [link]
Heroes, not headaches: reframing the reputation of harvester ants. [link]
National Butterfly Center closed for indefinite period. [link]
While the cicadas of 2038 slumber, scientists are reviewing what they learned from 2021’s Brood X. [link]