Posted Dec. 18, 2021; Poinsettia link added Dec. 20,
About Poinsettia, [link]
Science writer Ed Yong explains why he cancelled his 40th birthday party. [link]
Emily wanted to share this story about 80,000 bees in a shower wall. [link]
At long last a millipede that lives up to its name is discovered. [link]
Rufus Hummingbird Photo by Kameron Perensovich, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons |
Gary Crider recommended this article about winter hummingbird sightings. [link]
Rosemary Woodel recommended this article about tech that permits researchers to track the movements of animals as small as wasps. [link]
Tick removal (Australian study) after killing in place: [link]
Taylor, B.W.P., Ratchford, A., van Nunen, S., and Burns, B. (2019). Tick killing in situ before removal to prevent allergic and anaphylactic reactions in humans: a cross-sectional study. Asia Pac Allergy 9, e15.
Rosemary also recommends this article on tick-transmitted disease: [link]
Just in time for the holidays: 12 Things to know about mistletoe: [link]
And don’t overlook this podcast by the Nature Guys [link]
Other kinds of “farmers.” [link]
From Small Things Considered: how organism tell which way is up and which way is down. [link]
A New Yorker review of books about fungi. [link]
Making photosynthesis more efficient, a New Yorker piece by Elizabeth Kolbert. [link]
Have a happy, safe holiday!