A male Glassfrog guards his eggs. photo by by Juan Camilo Manquillo Franco, Wikimedia Commons |
Hi Ramblers!
I thought it would be appropriate to continue FINE Things while we’re on hiatus. Just to refresh your memories, FINE stands for Fun, Interesting, Novel and Exciting articles and videos available on the internet.
If you come across any on-line, nature, science or environmental resources that you think other Ramblers would enjoy, send me the links and I’ll share them with everyone.
Here are the FINE Things for this week:
Linda recommends this article about “imping.” If you don’t know what that is (I didn’t), read this article from the StarTribune.
Ed Wilde and Emily recommend this article about a suburban Long Island couple who have given up their lawns, replacing them with native perennials.
Science writer Carl Zimmer talks about whether viruses are alive or not. You will learn some mind-blowing things about viruses. (link to video)
Embryos of many different animals listen to their environment and react to the things they hear. [link]
That’s all for now. I’ll post some more links next week.