1. Rosemary recommended this article: There are seed banks that are storing seeds to preserve present and past crop genetic diversity. Little did they know that they are also storing fungi that may be essential for the plant’s viability. (link)
2. Invasive Species Found In Pet Store Product: We Need Your Help! Zebra mussels have been found in an aquarium product called Moss Balls. If you have an aquarium and have used this product you need to check the moss for mussels. (link)
3. In FINE Things 42 I placed a link to Doug Tallamy’s webinar presentation about Oaks, based on his new book, The Nature of Oaks: The Rich Ecology of Our Most Essential Native Trees Hardcover. Now a garden writer has summarized Tallamy’s book in the New York Times. (link)
4. Using fake news to protect breeding shorebirds, (link)
5. Green coffee is truly for the birds. (link)
6. Where Dung Beetles perch and why. (link)
7. Heads or Tails? Dung Beetle Attraction to Carrion. (It happened in Kansas.) (link)
8. Fresh Air interview with naturalist/conservationist Scott Weidensaul on migratory bird conservation. Recommended by Georgia Birders Online via Linda Chafin. (link)
9. From Hakai Magazine: The ocean faces many threats-climate change, pollution, and overfishing among them. But can all of the ocean’s woes be solved with one action-stop eating fish-as the new Netflix film Seaspiracy suggests? Within the scientific community, particularly among ocean conservation advocates, the film is largely seen as doing more harm than good-it ignores the inequity in fisheries throughout the world, makes sensational leaps while ignoring complexities and nuance, reinforces stereotypes, and ends with the notion that one action (veganism) will solve all of the ocean’s problems. On April 8 at 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time, a panel of experts, will discuss the film. (link)
10. Jan Coyne recommends: Reforestation as a means of combating climate change is confronting a supply chain problem. Where are all the seedlings coming from? And where are all the seeds coming from? (link)
11. Rosemary likes: How do you find out what pollinates a Ghost Orchid? (link)