I recently participated in an OLLI1 class,
Aquatic Biodiversity in the Southeast, presented by Duncan Elkins, a Professor
in UGA’s Warnell School and the River Basin Center. The purpose of the class
was to introduce us to the diversity of the fish, fresh water mussels, crayfish
and salamanders in the southeast. Professor Elkins did a wonderful job and had
outstanding slides for his presentation.
Fresh water Mussels
I was least familiar with the fresh water mussels and
found their life cycles fascinating. North America has more species of
freshwater mussels than the rest of the world. But the North American mussel
fauna is highly endangered. A greater proportion of NA mussels are endangered
than any other well known group of animals. The southeastern United
States is a biodiversity hotspot for fresh water mussels, in spite of the fact that many have become extinct.
Mussel natural history
Mussels spend their lives buried in the sediments at the
bottom of lakes, rivers, ponds and streams. They feed by filtering
microorganisms and dissolved organic matter from the water. Like plants, they
live where they grow up, and face the same problem that plants have: how to
disperse their offspring. To understand freshwater mussel reproduction and
dispersal you need to know a little about their anatomy.
Mussel anatomy, shells & mantle
A mussel or clam has two shells that hinged together
along one side. The living part of the animal is in between the left- and
right-hand shells. Everything inside is enveloped by a sheet of tissue called
the mantle. The mantle actually secretes the shells and is firmly attached to
the inner side of both shells. If a foreign object, like a grain of sand, is
placed between the mantle and shell, a pearl will be produced as the mantle
secretes shiny shell material around the object. As the mussel grows the mantle
adds new material to the shells, making them thicker and larger.
Mussel anatomy, inside the mantle
Between the two mantle sides you find the rest of the
animal: the body, containing internal organs, a muscular “foot” that can extend
outward, through an opening in the mantle, and a pair of gills on each side of
the foot-body. The innermost of each gill pair is specialized to be a nursery
chamber. It holds the developing embryos in the female mussel.
Mussel anatomy, water flow & gills
The mantle has two more openings to allow water to circulate
through the mantle chamber and over the gills. Water is circulated by ciliated
cells on the interior surface of the mantle. By their synchronized beating the
water enters the first mantle opening (called the incurrent siphon), flows
across the gills, and exits the mantle chamber through the second mantle opening
(the excurrent siphon)
Mussel anatomy, filter feeding
Mussels are filter feeders. The water coming into the
mantle cavity carries microorganisms (algae, protozoans, bacteria) and dissolved
organic matter. These are trapped in mucus secreted by the gills and the mucus
is carried toward the mouth, where it is swallowed and digested. Feces are
eliminated at the other end of the digestive tract where they are carried away
by the flow of water out of the excurrent siphon.
Mussel reproduction
The sexes are mostly separate in mussels. In the spring
males broadcast sperm through the excurrent siphon. Females in the neighborhood
pull the sperm in through their incurrent siphon. The sperm make their way into
the nursery gill that contains the mature eggs. Fertilization takes place inside
the gill chamber and the fertilized eggs grow into tiny clam-shaped larvae. But
these are not just baby mussels. They are parasites called glochidia, and each
one will need to find a fish to complete their development. In order to become
a free-living mussel the glochidia must spend several weeks feeding on the
tissue of a fish.
Here is where the story gets weird. When a gravid mussel
is approached by a fish the mussel expels a batch of glochidia from her nursery
gills. Those glochidia either grab hold of the fish’s fins or they are
accidentally swept into the fish’s mouth where they attach to the gills. Some
species of glochidia have tooth-like structures; they look like tiny vampire
Those glochidia that were able to attach become
encapsulated and feed on fish flesh for a week or more. They grow into tiny
mussels that leave their feeding capsule and drop to the sediments where they
dig in and start filter-feeding.
Attracting host fish with a lure
Bizarre as this life cycle is, the way some mussels
attract suitable fish is even more bizarre. In some mussels the edges of the
mantle are developed into flaps that resemble small fish. The flaps even have
dark spots at one end that resemble the eye of a minnow. And, making the
illusion more remarkable, they wiggle the mantle edge so it looks like an
injured minnow. A fish that is attracted to the motion strikes at the “minnow”
and is greeted with a mouthful of glochidia.
You can see all these features in this outstanding video.
The evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould devoted an
essay in one of his early books2 to the question of how such a complex
anatomical feature and correlated behavior could have evolved. Gould suggested
that the early predecessors lacked the elaboration of the mantle edge, but
still attracted fish because the mantle openings (the incurrent and excurrent
siphons) open and close in an alternating, coordinated rhythm. (This can be
seen in the video linked above.) First the incurrent siphon opens and then, as
it is closing, the excurrent siphon begins to open. This staggered opening and
closing creates the illusion of a moving darker area, that, Gould proposed,
could attract a fish. You see a similar optical illusion when your computer
shows you a series apparently moving dots when it is doing something that takes
a little time. The dots don’t really move, they are just turned on and off in
sequence to give the appearance of movement. Then change in the fringes of the
mantle that enhanced the attraction to fish would be selected for. And,
finally, the decorative touches of spots would further enhance the lure. (Note
that this is really a plausibility argument, not a proof. It’s an hypothesis,
not a theory.)
1 OLLI is the acronym for Osher Livelong Learning
Institute at UGA. Its mission is: “to meet the intellectual, social, and
cultural needs of individuals aged 50+ in Athens through lifelong
learning.” For more information visit OLLI’s website.
2 Stephen Jay Gould, 1977. The Problem of Perfection. Natural History 86(1):32-35. reprinted as: The Problem of Perfection, or How
Can a Clam Mount a Fish on its Rear End, in Ever Since Darwin, 1977,
New York, W. W. Norton, pp. 103-110.