Ramble Report April 25 2019
Today’s Ramble was led by Dale Hoyt.
Here’s the link
to Don’s Facebook album for today’s Ramble. (All the photos in this post are
compliments of Don, unless otherwise credited.)
Today’s post was written by Dale Hoyt.
Today’s Focus:
Seeking what we find in the Dunson Garden down to the River Cane.
26 Ramblers met today.
Next Weds., May 1, Emily will lead the monthly guided walk at Sandy Creek
Nature Center. Walk starts at 9 a.m.; coffee and snacks afterwards.
Show and Tell:
Robert was walking into the Conservatory building this morning when he heard a
“thwack.” A bird had flown into the glass and died.
Rose=breasted Grosbeak,killed by flying into a glass window. |
It was a lovely
Rose-breasted Grosbeak, on its way north. These are usually only seen at our
feeders for a week or two during spring migration.