Ramble Report September 21 2017

Ramble Report September 21 2017

Today’s Ramble was led by Dale Hoyt.

The photos in this post, except where
noted, came from Don’s Facebook album (
here’s the link).

Today’s post was written by Dale Hoyt.

27 Ramblers met today.


Saturday, Sept. 23, 8AM, Audubon Society Birdwalk, free. Park in Day
Chapel lot.

Saturday, Sept. 23, 9:30-12:30PM, Insectival.

Sunday, Sept. 24, 3-5PM, is Pie Day at Sandy Creek Nature Center. Come sample free pies, bid on items in the silent auction, listen to
live music, etc.

Tuesday, Sept. 26, 7PM, Jaret Daniels will speak on Backyard Bugs at the State Botanical

Today’s reading:
Bill Pierson brought a short Chinese poem

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Ramble Report September 14 2017

Today’s Ramble was led by Linda Chafin.

The photos in this post, except where
noted, came from Don’s Facebook album (here’s the link).

Today’s post was written by Linda Chafin and Dale Hoyt .

24 Ramblers met today.


Tues., Sept. 26, Jaret Daniels talk: Backyard Bugs at the State Botanical Garden

Mon., Oct. 2, 7 p.m.; Janisse Ray will speak in Winterville at the Winterville Cultural Center. The reading will be followed by a book signing and light refreshments.


Today’s reading: Bob Ambrose
After the Storm, his most recent creation, this one inspired by Hurricane Irma.

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Ramble Report September 7 2017

Today’s Ramble was led by Dale Hoyt.

The photos in this post, except where
noted, came from Don’s Facebook album (
here’s the link).

Today’s post was written by Dale Hoyt
and Linda Chafin.

24 Ramblers met today.


The Johnstone
at the Botanical Garden is rescheduled to 7:00 p.m., Sept. 26:

Backyard Bugs

Tuesday, Sept. 26, 7 p.m. (talk, reception and book

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