Today’s Ramble was lead by Linda Chafin.
the link to Don’s Facebook album
for today’s Ramble. (All the photos in this post are compliments of Don. Don
also has a butterfly album you can see
Today’s post was written by Dale Hoyt.
page to see the current Announcements.
Today’s reading: Rosemary read a poem by Denise Levertov:
Walking, Being
World is not something to
at, it is something to be in.”
Mark Rudman
I look
and look.
a way of being: one becomes,
a pair of eyes walking.
wherever looking takes one.
and burrow into the world.
howl, madrigal, clamor.
and the past of it,
present, solid and shadow
looks at one looking.
language? Rhythms
echo and interruption?
a way
of breathing.
to sustain
and looking,
the world,
in it.
Denise Levertov ~
read the entry for October 6 from An Almanac
For Moderns by Donald Culross Peattie:
NOBODY knows the birth date of John Chapman, known as Johnny
Appleseed, so that I shall put him where, I am sure, he would have preferred
his biography to be inserted, in apple time. Sandburg and Stephen Benet and
Vachel Lindsay have all sung his praises, and from his obscurity John (not
Jonathan, as he is sometimes inaccurately called) has emerged as a national
Perhaps the
only American who resembles an early Christian saint, he too went his barefoot
way in sackcloth, subsisting upon roots, thundering out denunciations of
pioneer vanity – store calico and tea drinking – and planting apple seeds
wherever he set foot.
concerning him has grown to almost homeric proportions. Many cities and states
claim that their apples are descended from his sowing. The sober facts seem to
be that he arrived on the Ohio about 1801, being then some twenty-six years in age, a completely daft
young Elijah – with a dash of Daniel Boone and General William Booth – who went
about in Ohio and Indiana starting orchards from seed. He regarded cutting and
grafting as immoral and contrary to the will of God. In flouting horticultural
experience he seems to have been motivated by a compassion for apple trees, a
devout belief that they should not be deprived of regular sexual fertilization.
There is no record that any woman ever looked with favor upon poor ragged
Johnny. At sixty-five he died of exhaustion, after a hundred mile trip afoot to
one of his orchards. Mad he undoubtedly was, but Saint Paul would have approved
of him, and so would Whitman, and Francis of Assisi.
route: From the Arbor down through the Dunson Native
Flora Garden, exiting through the fence at the bottom. Then over to the power
line right-of-way where we turned toward the river. About half way from the old
deer fence we turned around and returned to the Arbor.
Armadillo foraging activity scrapes up the mulch and leaf litter in the Dunson Garden |
We’ve noticed evidence of armadillo activity in the
garden many times this summer and today was no exception. The mulched paths in
the Dunson Garden this morning looked like they had been visited by an eager
gardener with a hoe, but it was an eager armadillo foraging for food. They eat
insects and other invertebrates that live in the leaf litter and the upper
surface of the soil. Jeff told us about the culinary preparation of armadillos
as well as how they came to be one of the recent immigrants to Georgia.
According to James F. Taulman and Lynn W. Robbins (
Journal of Biogeography, 1996, vol. 23, pp.635-648):
through Texas to the north and east has been steady and progressive from the
first records in the mid-19th century to the present. Moreover, the Florida
population, first founded by a few individuals released from a personal zoo
near Titusville in 1924 and augmented by the accidental release of additional
armadillos from a circus truck in 1936 . . . has continued to disperse in all
The Nine-banded armadillo is the only mammal,
other than humans, known to be susceptible to the bacterium (Mycobacterium leprae) that causes leprosy. (Leprosy is now known as Hansen’s disease.) Because M. leprae cannot be artificially
cultivated Armadillos are important in studying leprosy. (This does not mean
that all armadillos carry Hansen’s disease, only that the bacterium can live in
their tissues. Hansen’s disease is not highly communicable. People have lived
many years in contact with afflicted people without contracting the disease.
And many rural people have eaten armadillo meat without contracting the
The northward spread of the armadillo population appears
to be limited by unfavorable winter weather in more northern locales. (They can
only survive in areas where there are less than 9 consecutive freeze days.)
Jeff also showed us a hickory twig with attached
leaves that he found in the garden. It had been attacked by a beetle called the
Hickory twig girdler. As its name implies, the adult beetle chews a through the
bark of a small twig, moving around the twig as it nibbles. This creates a
circular trough that completely girdles the twig, killing the leaves beyond the
point of girdling. An egg is laid in the twig beyond the girdled area and the larva
feeds on the woody tissue. The twig is weakened by the girdling and will break
off and fall to the ground. The beetle larva overwinters in the fallen twig and
completes its development the following summer. Twigs that harbor the beetle
larva have a smoothly cut surface where they were attached to the tree.
Painted Buckeye fruit |
There are a lot of the small, shrubby Painted Buckeyes
in the DNFG and they have already lost most of their leaves. These Buckeyes are
the first shrubs to leaf out in the spring and the first to lose their leaves
in the fall. Some have produced fruit that is beginning to ripen (the thin
brown husk covering the seed is starting to split) and soon the large seeds
will fall to the ground. These seeds resemble those of the Ohio buckeye, but
they are lighter in color and the “eye” is much smaller. Maybe that
means they won’t bring as much good luck.
Fruits of Tall indigo bush |
Tall indigo bush resembles senna
with its compound, pinnately lobed leaves, but instead of pea-like seed pods with
multiple seeds each flower produces a tiny pod with a single seed.
Smooth purple
have now gone to seed, with only the disks (or cones) remaining, most still
bearing the seeds and the papery chaff that give the disks their spiny
look. The slender, drooping pink ray
flowers have long since fallen off. This
is a federally listed, endangered species, most often found in circumneutral
soils and is found in Georgia only in Stephens and Habersham Counties in NE
Georgia. It is distinguished from other similar species by its smooth leaves
and drooping ray flowers.
Grass stage of Longleaf pine photo taken June 2, 2016 Smooth purple coneflowers blooming |
The same Longleaf pine as above showing “rocket” stage growth. |
single Longleaf pine has been
planted next to the Smooth purple coneflowers. The Longleaf pine/wiregrass
community once dominated the coastal plain from Texas to east Virginia, covering
an estimated 90 million acres. This ecosystem has been reduced to a few small, isolated
fragments totaling approximately one million acres. It was periodic fire that
maintained the community by suppressing competition from fire-intolerant
hardwoods. The advent of agriculture meant the suppression of wild fires and,
along with clear-cutting of the old growth trees and farming of faster growing
tree species, spelled doom for a unique southeastern species assemblage.
is fire-adapted. In fact, it requires fire for its reproduction. The seeds need
bare mineral soils to germinate, the type of soils left after a low-intensity
fire has reduced the litter layer to ashes. Without fire the pine needles and dead
grasses accumulate, preventing the Longleaf seeds from making contact with the
soil. In pre-settlement times this duff was burned off by small, low intensity
fires caused by frequent lightning strikes.
the Longleaf seed germinates it forms a dense, grass-like cluster of needles
and devotes itself to growing a tap root for the first five plus years. This
grass stage, as it is called, is very resistant to fire. Only the tips of the
needles burn in low-intensity fires and the needle base is closely packed which
prevents the fire from damaging the apical meristem of the future tree. After
the grass stage is past the tree begins to grow rapidly, shooting up five or
more feet in just a couple of years. This puts the growing tip beyond the reach
of the frequent low-intensity fires. The trunk is also protected from fire
damage by a thick bark. The Longleaf in the Dunson Garden has reached this
“rocket” stage of growth.
stem is bare for a long distance up the trunk, covered only with thick bark
which further protects the trunk from fire.
The limbs develop at a higher point, which also provides further
protection from fire.
Longleaf pine also supports a federally endangered bird: the Red-cocadec
woodpecker (RCW). The heartwood of older trees begins to decay is infected by
the red heart fungus. The RCW check the
trees in the forest to determine which ones have been affected by the fungus
and, when one is found, they begin to excavate a nest cavity. It takes a long
time to create a hole in the hard sapwood, but when the decaying heartwood is
reached a suitable nest cavity is easily made. Then the RCW taps open the resin
channels around the entrance. The sticky, light colored resin streams down the
bark below the nest entrance, forming what is called a “candle tree.” This
forms a barrier to predators like snakes, preventing them from entering the
nest and eating the eggs or young birds. Because the RCW is a federally
protected species under the Endangered Species Act its habitat must be
preserved, so it effectively provides protection for the remaining stands of
longleaf pine as well as the thousands of other species that make up this
pines are large trees that may reach heights of 95 to 115 feet. The Apalachicola National Forest, in the
panhandle of Florida, is a good example of the longleaf pine/wiregrass habitat
and the RCW trees. In late April and
early May, in addition to the RCW trees, there are many wildflowers to be seen
including several species of wild orchid and pitcher plants. The Piedmont
National Wildlife Refuge, an easy drive south of Athens, also has active
colonies of RCW.
Georgia basil |
is also a small clump of Georgia basil
growing near the Smooth purple coneflower. Being a mint, it has the square
stem, opposite leaves and the flowers with two lips, all key characteristics of
plants in the mint family. It may be available at the Native Plant Sale at the
Garden on Oct. 6-8 and Oct. 13-15.
Switch grass |
the very bottom of the Dunson Garden there is a large clump of Switch grass. There are many cultivars
of switch grass commercially available in all sizes and shades of green. This
grass has also been suggested as a candidate
for biofuel propagation.
the ROW, we went directly to look at some beautiful Yellow Indian grass. The stems of yellow Indian grass have a bluish
color and a waxy coating, which helps keep the grass from drying out. It is happy to live in dry upland areas.
Silver plume grass |
Silver plum grass seed head |
the yellow Indian grass, we saw several tall stalks of Silver plume grass. The
leaves of silver plume grass are thick and heavy, with a prominent white
mid-vein. In this respect it is similar to Johnson grass but the stems of
Johnson grass are much taller and its seed heads are less dense and have a
purplish hue.
Gold moth caterpillar |
on Wingstem leaves we found two caterpillars that we couldn’t identify. But
Carmen Champagne, the naturalist at Sandy Creek Nature Center came to our
rescue. They are the caterpillars of the Gold
Moth and feed exclusively on Verbesina.
Calico aster |
also saw a lot of the “Confusing white fall-flowering asters.” There are several species of small white
asters blooming at this time across north Georgia and here at the Bot
Garden. The ones at this location appear
to be the Calico asters. One thing in common with many of the fall
white asters is the appearance of the disk flowers. Some aster heads have yellow disk flowers,
others have red. The yellow disk flowers have not been pollinated. After the flowers are pollinated the disk
flowers turn red, perhaps signaling to their insect pollinators that they are
out of business.
Pennsylvania smartweed |
Swamp samrtweed |
Stems of Arrowleaf tearthumb |
Although the lower part of the power line
right of way is a floodplain there are areas that are wetter than others. After
heavy rains last spring a temporary pool formed in one spot and we found frog
eggs and, later, tadpoles in it. The pool is long gone, but the soil there is
still wetter than other parts of the floodplain and supports the growth of three
moisture-loving Smartweeds: Pennsylvania
smartweed, Swamp smartweed, and Arrowleaf tearthumb. These are all in
the genus Persicaria (formerly Polygonum). The “smart” in smartweed comes from the fact
that the plants have a peppery flavor and make the tongue burn or “smart” if
bitten. The flowers have no petals; the
colorful flower parts are sepals. In addition to the smartweeds we found Lurid sedge here.
Mistflower |
Mistflower is growing along
the edge of the mowed area.
Common camphorweed seed heads |
has started forming fuzzy brown spherical seed heads.
Maryland senna green seedpods |
has both green and fully ripened dark brown beans.
has gone to seed and there was an Alianthus
webworm moth under one of the leaves.
Ragweed is still
blooming, with its miniscule whitish flowers.
This is the plant that causes goldenrod to get a bad rap. They both bloom at the same time but since
the goldenrod is so much more visible, most people think it’s the cause of their
hay fever. But goldenrod is insect pollinated and its pollen grains are large
and sticky and are too heavy to be wind-borne. Ragweed, on the other hand, is
wind pollinated and its tiny pollen grains can be carried aloft many miles by
the wind.
Gulf Fritillary caterpillar |
The Purple
passionflower vines are thinning, making the large, green maypops more
visible and several Gulf fritillary
caterpillars of various sizes are feeding on the remaining leaves.
Acanthocephala sp. (note spiny hind legs) |
Eastern leaf-footed bug (left hind leg missing) Note the expanded structure of the right hind foot. |
Goldenrod attracts a lot
of insects to its flowers and today we found two kinds of true bugs among the
blossoms: an Eastern leaf footed bug
and a related species with very spiny legs, Acanthocephala sp.
(sorry, no common name). Bugs in this family (Coreidae) have scent glands
that emit unpleasant (to some people) odors if they are disturbed. Only some of
the coreids have the flat, expanded hind leg segments; others have enlarged
spiny hind legs.
At least three kinds of galls can be
found on Goldenrod; today we found two of them: 1) a spherical swelling of the
stem about the size of a quarter and 2) a tight cluster of leaves at the apex
(the growing tip) of the plant.
Goldenrod spherical gall |
The spherical gall is produced when a fly lays
an egg on the growing tip of goldenrod in the spring. The larva burrows into
the stem and its presence causes the goldenrod stem to swell. The larva feeds
on the plant tissue inside the gall and overwinters inside this cozy home. It’s
not completely safe, though. Chickadees and Downy woodpeckers often will peck
open the galls during the winter to eat the frozen larva inside. In the spring
the larva resumes feeding and when it is ready to pupate it eats a tunnel
toward the surface of the gall. The tunnel reaches up to the epidermis of the
gall but does not break through it. There the larva pupates and when the adult
fly emerges a few weeks later it is faced with the problem of how to get out of
the gall. The newly emerged fly forces its body fluids into a tiny balloon on
its forehead and the hydraulic pressure that is generated is enough to pop out
the covering of the tunnel.
Goldenrod apical rosette gall |
The apical rosette gall is formed in a
similar fashion. The fly larva produces something that inhibits the elongation
of the stem between adjacent leaves. The result is the cluster of leaves
stacked on one another that looks messy green corsage. The larva feeds on the
plant tissue inside this cluster.
Hop hornbeam spiral bark pattern |
On the way back to the Arbor we spotted a
Hop hornbeam tree with a spiral bark
pattern. The bark looks like a cat scratched it, making long, linear strips of
bark. But these strips do not run straight up the trunk. Instead they curve
around the trunk, making a spiral pattern. If you follow one such strip you
will see that it curves to the left. The pattern of the bark may reflect the
pattern of the wood grain beneath the bark. Many trees have such spiral grain,
but why they do so is not satisfactorily understood.
Common Name |
Scientific Name |
Nine-banded |
Dasypus |
Hickory |
Oncideres |
Painted |
Aesculus |
Late |
Symphiotrichum sp. |
Tall |
Amorpha |
Smooth |
Echinacea laevigata |
Longleaf |
Pinus |
Georgia |
Clinopodium |
Switch |
Panicum |
Yellow |
Sorghastrum |
Silver |
Saccharum alopecuroides |
Gulf |
Agraulis |
Gold |
Basilodes |
Mistflower |
Conoclinium |
Calico |
Symphyotrichum |
Common |
Heterotheca |
Wingstem |
Verbesina |
Wild |
Senna |
Tall |
Vernonia |
Ailanthus |
Atteva |
Pennsylvania |
Persicaria |
Swamp Mild waterpepper |
Persicaria |
Arrowleaf |
Persicaria |
Lurid |
Carex |
Purple |
Passiflora |
Eastern |
Leptoglossus |
Common |
Ambrosia |
Tall |
Solidago |
Tall |
Cirsium |
Hophornbeam |
Ostrya |