Today’s report
was written by Dale Hoyt. The photos that appear in this blog are taken by Don
Hunter; you can see all the photos Don took of today’s
Ramble here.
Twenty-three ramblers met at the Arbor at 8:30AM on an
overcast, cool morning.
Today’s reading:
Dale read the entry for August Thirty-first from Donald Culross Peattie’s Almanac for Moderns:
August, the aureate month, draws to its blazing close – a month of sun,
if ever there was one. Gold in the grain on the round-backed hill fields. Gold
in the wood sunflowers, and in the summer goldenrod waving plumes all through
the woodlot, trooping down the meadow to the brookside, marching in the dust of
the roadways. Gold in the wing of the wild canaries, dipping and twittering as
they flit from weed to bush, as if invisible waves of air tossed them up and
down. The orange and yellow clover butterflies seek out the thistle, and the
giant sulphur swallowtails are in their final brood. The amber, chaff-filled
dust gilds all the splendid sunsets in cloudless, burning skies. Long, long
after the sun has set, the sun-drenched earth gives back its heat, radiates it
to the dim stars; the moon gets up in gold; before it lifts behind the black
fields to the east I take it for a rick fire, till it rises like an old gold
coin, that thieves have clipped on one worn edge.
Today’s route: Leaving the arbor, we made our way down
through the Shade Garden, taking, first, the paved path for a bit, then taking
the mulched path down to the Dunson Native Flora Garden. We made our way through the Dunson garden
and, after exiting at the lower entrance, we made our way out into the power
line ROW. We followed the White Trail in
the ROW to the river then turned around and retraced our steps back to the
parking lot.
Arbor: Our
assembly area was littered with unripe acorns and we could hear more falling.
But it was not the oak that was discarding its offspring – it was a rapacious
gray squirrel apparently searching for a tasty protein snack. Weevil grubs
infest many acorns at this time of year and squirrels will grab a nut and chew
through the shell to eat the grub inside. How they recognize infested from
uninfested acorns is anyone’s guess; perhaps they smell different. A few of the
discarded acorns were completely stripped of their shells and the nut meat had
been nibbled all around before it was dropped to the ground. Were these being
tested for edibility? This is the beauty of nature – the closer you look the
more questions you get.
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Nibbled and eaten oak acorns |
Shade Garden: Today
turned out to be a mushroom day. (After all, our motto is “Seeking What We
It’s probably best to start with a primer about the types of
mushrooms we discovered today, restricting our focus on ordinary
“toadstool” type mushrooms. These are mushrooms that have a stalk and
a cap perched on top of the stalk. If you look on the lower surface of the cap
you will discover that there are two very different appearing types of
mushrooms. One type has thin sheets or membranes that hang down from the
underside of the cap. These are called gills
and they radiate out from the center of the cap, where it is attached to the
stalk. Such mushrooms are called gilled
mushrooms. The other common type of mushroom that we saw today has a spongy
cap with no gills. Closer examination of the cap’s lower surface reveals a
large number of densely packed small holes. Each hole is the end of a tiny
tube. The entire lower side of the cap is made of these tubes tightly packed together,
like a box of drinking straws. If you squeeze such a cap you’ll discover that
it feels like a very dense sponge. These mushrooms are called boletes (pl.; sing., bolete; pronounced: bow-leet).
Both these types of mushrooms belong to the phylum Basidiomycota. They reproduce by spores
called basidiospores that are
produced by special cells, called basidia.
The basidia are found on the gills of the gilled mushrooms and on the inner
tube walls that make up the bolete cap. The spores are popped off the basidia
into the space between the gills, or into the hollow cavity of the pores of the
boletes. In both cases they then fall into the open where they can be carried
away by the gentlest of breezes.
If the spores land in a suitable location they will
germinate and produce fine thread that is the beginning of a new fungal
organism. This fine thread elongates and branches, forming a network of fine
threads called a mycelium. The
mycelium makes up the body of the fungus and continues to grow through its
substrate, breaking down and absorbing organic material as it increases in size.
When the mycelia of many basidiomycetes encounter the roots of a tree or other
vascular plant they form an intimate association with the finest division of
the roots, wrapping tightly around them. This association works to the benefit
of both parties. The fungus gets sugars produced by the plant through
photosynthesis and the plant gets mineral nutrients that the fungus has
absorbed from its environment. This combination of fungal mycelium and plant
root is referred to as a mycorrhiza,
which means, literally, fungus-root. Biologists are only recently beginning to
appreciate how important the mycorrhizal association is. Almost 90% of vascular
plants participate in these symbiotic associations and plants deprived of their
mycorrhizal associates either die or fail to thrive. This is one reason why
transplanting wild orchids almost never works. The orchid is completely
dependent on its mycorrhizal associate for its mineral nutrition, especially
nitrogen and phosphorus. When the orchid is removed from the wild a viable
amount of the fungal associate fails to be carried along with the transplanted
material. The orchid languishes in its new location and rarely survives more
than a year without its fungal associate.
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Bolete no. 1 |
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Bolete no. 1, undersurface of cap showing pores |
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Two Lactarius sp., a gilled mushroom note the “milk” on the gills |
The first mushroom of the day was a large, brown bolete,
followed by a large mushroom shaped like a smashed trumpet. The latter was a gilled mushroom in the genus
Lactarius, so-named because if it is cut or broken the injured parts ooze a
white fluid. The fluid can be clearly seen in the photo of a couple of small,
white Lactarius. The Old Man of the Woods is another very distinctive bolete
with its gray and black cap.
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Old Man of the Woods (a bolete) |
Dunson Native Flora
Garden: One of the big surprises was the discovery of a Cauliflower
mushroom right next to the path. While this is a basidiomycete it is neither a
gilled mushroom nor a bolete. The spores are produced from tiny pores on the
underside of each of the many lobes.
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Cauliflower mushroom |
We also found more Lactarius
sp. as well as a red-capped Russula.
Both these differ from other mushrooms in being brittle. The stems are not
rubbery and easily snap when bent. All the members of both genera are
mycorrhizal, especially favoring Oaks and Pine trees as their associated
plants. Also seen were two Amanita mushrooms: White Amanita and the American
Caesar Amanita with its bright red cap. Clearly visible on the White Amanita
was the bulb at the base, from which the mushroom grows. Amanita mushrooms are notorious for their toxicity. Some are not so poisonous, but others are deadly, if consumed. Be safe. Don’t eat any wild collected mushroom unless you are ABSOLUTELY confident of its harmless identity. Even experience mushroom hunters have made mistakes. One notable mushroom expert, the author of numerous field guides to mushrooms, and his wife were hospitalized overnight after consuming what they thought were edible mushrooms. If such people can make mistakes then amateurs should be very cautious.
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White Amanita |
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American Caesar Amanita |
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Russula sp. |
We also found out what the mystery fern from the last two
weeks was: Marsh fern. It has been successful in spreading from its spot in the
Dunson garden to cover quite a large area. We also found several individuals of
Netted chain fern with fertile fronds. The Netted chain fertile pinnae stand
away from the stalk but in the Sensitive fern the fertile pinnae remain closely
applied to the stalk. The sterile fronds of this species are often difficult to
tell from those of the Sensitive fern. The pinnae of the former are supposed to
mostly alternate whereas the pinnae of the Sensitive fern are supposed to be
mostly opposite. But the difference isn’t clearcut and, without the fertile
frond, it is hard to be confidant of your identification.
At the bottom of the Dunson garden the Great blue lobelia is
no longer blooming, but the Cardinal flower still has a few blossoms. The
Virginia saltmarsh mallow has lots of flowers, as does the Camphor weed and the
spotted bee balm.
White trail (Power
line right of way): I had hoped that the sun would be out by the time we
reached the power line, but that didn’t happen, so there was less insect
activity than I had hoped for. But you make do with what you have and we had an
opportunity to demonstrate one of the insects in the Order Orthoptera. The common orthopteran insect groups in this area are
grasshoppers, katydids and crickets. There are other types of orthopterans, but
these three are the most familiar. Almost everyone has seen a grasshopper and a
cricket, but fewer have seen a katydid – even though most have heard them. We
succeeded in finding one of the katydids so we could look at its distinguishing
The katydids (the official family name is Tettigoniidae) and
crickets (Gryllidae)differ from grasshoppers (Acrididae) in having extremely
long antennae – their antennae are longer than their total body. Cricket
antennae generally are shorter than those of the katydids. Grasshoppers have
very short antennae, much shorter than their body length.
Grasshoppers also differ
from katydids and crickets in how they produce sound. Crickets and katydids make
sounds by rubbing their wings together. One wing has a series of small ridges, called
the file, while the other wing has a single ridge, called the scraper. To produce
the sound the wings are held so that the scraper and file touch one another.
The wings are then moved from side to side so that the scraper rubs against the
file, producing a sound. If the wings are rubbed together very rapidly the
sound produced is continuous. Each species of katydid has a specific pattern of
sound that males produce to attract mates.
Female katydids have a long,
sword-shaped projection on the end of their abdomen. This is an ovipositor, an
egg-layer. It is used to cut a slit in a plant stem and then insert an egg into
the wound. Grasshoppers lack a conspicuous ovipositor and crickets have
one that is shaped like a needle.
Grasshoppers can make sounds too, but they produce it by
rubbing their legs against their wings. Some of the male grasshoppers do this
when they are flying, which makes for a clumsy, bumbling performance, but the
girl grasshoppers seem to like it.
But what good is producing sound if you can’t hear? Katydids
have ears, but not where you might think you would find them. Their ears are on
the front legs (see photo). Grasshoppers also have ears, but they are located
on the first abdominal segment.
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Katydid; the ear openings are the dark ovals near the “knees” on the front legs. The wing pads begin just behind the light stripes on the thorax. |
All three groups have what is called incomplete metamorphosis. This means that they have no caterpillar
or pupal stage. When they hatch from the egg they look like miniature versions
of the adult, except they don’t have fully developed wings – they are just tiny
little pads on the thorax. Each time the exoskeleton is shed the insect gets a
little larger, but it still looks like a smaller version of the adult. The
wings increase in size with each molt. Finally, at the last molt, the wings
develop to the adult size.
With so many composites (family Asteraceae) in bloom right now this is
an opportune moment to take a look at the structure of the composite flower.
Flowers like sunflowers or daisies are called composites because what looks
like a single flower is actually made up of many smaller flowers of different
sizes and shapes. What look like the petals of a daisy are actually tiny
flowers (florets) with one lobe of their corolla greatly developed. These are
called ray florets. The center of the daisy flower, the disk, is made up of
many tiny florets with radially symmetrical corollas. (Corolla refers to all
the petals of a flower.) So daisy flower is really a mass of
two different types of flowers: ray florets and disk florets.
When the ray florets are only found on the outer edge of the
flower, as in sunflowers and daisies, they are usually sterile, incapable of
producing seeds. Their function is to attract pollinators to the plant. The
disk florets are fertile; each one of them is capable of producing a single
seed. Consequently they typically have both male and female reproductive
structures: stamens and pistils.
The stamens have a characteristic arrangement in the aster
family – they circle the pistil and the adjacent anthers are fused to one
another, making a hollow cylinder into which pollen is released. The pollen
would remain inside this cylinder if it weren’t for the pistil. After pollen
release the style of the pistil begins to elongate. As it grows taller it
pushes the pollen mass out of the floret, making it more accessible to
pollinators. There is little risk of self-pollination, though, because the stigmas
are not yet receptive. Another interesting feature: the style is split so when
it emerges from the ring of anthers it appears to be forked or double. All
these features can be seen in the close-up photo of a wingstem
“flower.” (I put the flower in quotes because it’s really an
inflorescence.) The anthers are visible as dark structures peeking out of the
yellow disk florets. The split style with it’s two stigmas can be seen emerging from the circle of
anthers, the two stigmatic surfaces curled back. If you look carefully at the opened disk
florets you can see the corolla lobes.
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Wingstem flower showing ray florets, disk florets, anthers and styles with stigmatic surfaces exposed. |
There are other composites in bloom today that do not have
daisy-like inflorescences: Goldenrod, Late flowering thoroughwort, Ironweed,
thistles. All these have florets that are like the disk flowers characteristic
of the Asteraceae family.
Speaking of Ironweed, we found several with clumps of
spittle. It’s been a while since we talked about spittlebugs, so you may have
forgotten. The spittle is produced by the nymph of spittlebugs, insects that
are related to the cicadas. They nymph sucks fluid from the vascular system of
its host plant and expels the excess from its anus. It creates the froth by
adding mucous to this liquid and wiggling the end of its abdomen. The bubble of
“spittle” protects the nymph from predators and parasites. They would
have to penetrate the sticky mass to get at the insect inside. We wiped the
spittle off and Don got a nice photograph of the nymph inside.
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Ironweed with spittlebug foam |
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The spittlebug nymph exposed |
We ultimately ran out of time so we returned back to the parking lot and some of us enjoyed converstation and beverages at Donderos’.
Eastern gray squirrel |
Sciurus carolinensis |
Large, brown bolete |
Order Boletales, Boletus sp.? |
Large, cup-shaped Lactarius |
Lactarius sp. |
Small, white Lactarius |
Lactarius sp. |
Small red bolete |
Order Boletales, Boletus sp.? |
Old Man of the Woods mushroom |
Strobilomyces sp. |
Cauliflower mushroom |
Sparassis sp. |
Cricket |
Orthoptera: Gryllidae |
Netted chain fern |
Woodwardia areolata |
Marsh fern |
Thelypteris palustris |
Red Russula |
Russula sp. |
Triangulate orb weaver |
Verrucosa arenata |
Carrot-Footed Lepidella |
Amanita daucipes |
American Caesar mushroom |
Amanita caesarea |
Infected gray bolete |
Order Boletales, Boletus sp. |
Parasitizing fungus: |
Hypomyces sp. |
Green Russula |
Russula sp. |
White crownbeard |
Verbesina virginica |
Cardinal flower |
Lobelia cardinalis |
Rattlesnake master |
Eryngium yuccifolium |
Virginia salt marsh mallow |
Kosteletzkya virginica |
Giant ironweed |
Vernonia gigantea |
Camphor weed |
Pluchea camphorata |
Japanese Umbrella Inky |
Coprinus plicatilis |
Virgin’s bower |
Clematis virginiana |
Maryland senna |
Senna marilandica |
Wingstem |
Verbesina alternfinolia |
Large Cortisioid fungi |
Stereum sp. |
Katydid several stages |
Family Tettigoniidae |
Purple passion flower |
Passiflora incarnata |
Hairy sunflower |
Helianthus hirsutus |
Field thistle |
Cirsium arvense |
Virginia buttonweed |
Diodia virginiana |
Spittlebug |
Order Hemiptera |
False nettle |
Boehmeria cylindrica |
Leafy elephants foot |
Elephantopus carolinianus |
Small white morning glory |
Ipomoea lacunosa |
Red/Mexican morning glory |
Ipomoea coccinea |
Jewelweed |
Impatiens capensis |
Sensitive fern |
Onoclea sensibilis |