Twenty two ramblers appeared to take advantage of a relatively cool morning.
Don Hunter’s album of today’s walk is here. The photos in this post were selected from his album. When you see Don thank him for his wonderful work!
We had two readings today, a Mary Oliver poem, Moccasin Flowers,
read by Rosemary Woodel and Jackie Elsner read selections from China Marine by E. B. Sledge (© 2002
The University of Alabama Press):
E. B. Sledge fought in the Pacific
Theater during World War II as a U S Marine PFC: a 60mm mortar man in a
Marine frontline rifle company. He wrote two books, With The Old Breed at
Peleliu and Okinawa and China Marine, about his war
experiences. This reading is from the second of those books.
war for me, A Marine infantryman, was many things—overwhelming, horrifying,
degrading, fascinating. I somehow survived two of the most prolonged and lethal
battles of the war, Peleliu and Okinawa, when so many good, promising young men
did not and so many more came home without their limbs, or their eyes, or their
minds. (Preface
p. xiii)
He was haunted by nightmares.
“His father, who had treated World War I victims of combat fatigue, advised him
to …’Get an outdoor job, enjoy good books and good music, study the diversity
of life,’ he told his son. Sledge’s new wife, Jeanne, quietly helped him deal
with his flashbacks and find meaningful work. (Introduction
by Joseph H. Alexander p. xxii)
Science was my salvation! During
many of those years, I was a graduate student in biology – first earning my
M.S. Degree at Auburn, then my Ph.D. at the University of Florida. It was like
an intellectual boot camp; standards were high. I found quite by accident that
after a day of concentrating intensely on some difficult problem in biology or
biochemistry, the war nightmares did not come that night. I also found that a
conversation about the war with a veteran was a likely cause for nightmares –
unless I applied my mind to some fact of biology or biochemistry before
bedtime. An hour’s intense concentration on science resulted in a peaceful
night’s sleep. (p. 150)
“He loved the out-of-doors,” his wife Jeanne recalled, “and
he didn’t just walk, he paid close attention to every bird, every leaf, every
bug that he encountered. He drew so much strength from nature.”
For the next twenty-eight years,
Dr. Sledge taught biology to undergraduate students at the University of
Montevallo . . .(Introduction
by Joseph H. Alexander p. xxiii)
Ramblers who have seen “The Pacific”
(an HBO 2010 production) will recognize Sledge as one of the three Marines
whose war experiences were the basis for the series.
Today’s route:
Through the Shade garden to the White Trail; White Trail to
power line ROW, up the ROW and then turned around and walked downhill toward
the river. Before we reached the river it was approaching 10AM and getting hot
in the sun, so we turned around and walked back through the gate and returned
to the parking lot via the shadier and cooler White trail spur.
When we departed from the parking area I made the foolish
statement that we would only see three plants in flower today. Unfortunately,
everyone remembered this and reminded me of it frequently.
The first plant in flower we encountered was Daisy Fleabane.
This plant is in the aster family and could be one of two species, either Erigeron annuus or E. strigosus. The
common name implies that it might be a flea repellent. The Wildflowers of
Tennessee book states that “When burned, fleabanes were reputed to drive
away flies, gnats, fleas or ‘any venomous thing.’ It was once common practice
to hang fleabane inside houses to rid them of fleas or bedbugs.”
Heal-all |
Growing adjacent to the fleabane was Heal-all, a plant in
the mint family. As the name implies, this plant is reputed to have medicinal
qualities. Wildflowers of Tennessee states that “. . .a leaf tea was used
as a gargle for sore throats and mouth sores as well as to treat fevers and
diarrhea. Externally, this plant has been used to treat wounds, bruises, sores
and ulcers. . . . It contains the
antioxidant substance rosmarinic acid in larger quantities than found in
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
Carolina desert-chicory |
At the lower edge of the upper power line ROW we noticed a
solitary “False Dandelion.” I don’t care for that common name and I
think that Carolina Desert Chicory (desert-chikory) is a better one. (But best
of all is Pyrrhopappus carolinianus.)
Desert-chicory might seem a strange name to apply to a plant growing in
Georgia, but there is a reason. Pyrrhopappus
is in the Chicory tribe of the Aster family. The other species in the genus are
found in the southwest and are known as desert-chicory in the USDA Plants
database, so Carolina desert-chicory is an appropriate common name. But
irrespective of what it is called, it is a lovely flower with its lemon yellow
blossoms that shine so brightly they seem to reflect the sun. Later we saw an unusual number
of these solitary flowers scattered among the grasses on the west side of the upper ROW.
Seeds forming |
Queen Anne’s Lace (Daucus carota) is beginning to set seed.
Most of the large umbels of tiny flowers are now transformed into a cup shape
that resembles a small bird’s nest. When the seeds mature they will have small
hooked spines/hairs that can easily fasten to animal fur and be transported
elsewhere. I recall reading that the
Carrots from this? |
nest opens and closes with the degree of
dryness of the air, but I can no longer find this reference, so I’m not sure it
is true. This plant is the progenitor of the modern carrot, but the root of the
wild plant only slightly resembles the plump orange organ we purchase in our
grocery stores. It is very woody and unappetizing to the taste. Some have
suggested that the medicinal properties of the plant brought it to human
interest first and the selective breeding to increase the size of the root came
Bitterweed is still abundant and in flower at the bottom of
the upper
Mountain Mint |
ROW. Hidden near some ramblers with sharp eyes spotted the Deptford
Pinks also still in bloom. Numerous Mountain Mints are beginning to blossom.
The showy whiteness is not the flower, but the leaves and bracts that surround
them. They develop a whitish bloom, apparently to attract pollinators to the
flowers themselves. A recent post on Ellen Honeycutt’s blog, Using
Georgia Native Plants discusses the use of this and related species in your
Dog Fennel & Mullein |
Dog fennel
(Eupatorium capillifolium) is growing up all over the place. In spite of its
common name it has no relationship to culinary herb Fennel. The two plants are
in completely different families. Dog fennel is in the Aster family (Asteraceae)
and Fennel is in the Carrot family (Apiaceae). The only thing they have in
common is similar feathery leaves. (This is another way in which common names
can be very misleading.)
A single Horse nettle (Solanum
carolinense) was spotted growing
Notice the opening at the end of the anthers |
next to the path. Its white flower with
the brilliant yellow anthers immediately tells you who it is related to. You
will find similar-looking flowers in tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplants. All are
in the nightshade family, Solanaceae. Many of these solanaceous plants have the
same unusual arrangement of the anthers. They are bright yellow and are
clustered like a tent around the pistil. They differ further in that the pollen
is dry, not sticky, and the anthers do not split open to release their pollen.
Instead there is a pore at the end of each anther from which the pollen can
emerge. But the flower must be shaken or vibrated to remove the pollen. To get
this pollen a bee must engage in “buzz” pollination. It grips the
flower with its mandible, curls it body over the anthers and makes a buzzing
vibration that shakes out the pollen. The vibration is produced by the flight
muscles contracting without causing the wings to move. The pollen is attracted
to the bee’s furry body because of a difference in electrical charge that is
built up as the bee flies, just as you build up static electricity when you
shuffle across a rug. The flower and its pollen are negatively charged, the bee
carries a positive charge. Here is a link to a site that has a lot of
information about buzz pollination, as well as several videos of bumblebees
doing it: Buzz pollination
Another cool thing: there is evidence that bees can
determine when a flower has been previously visited. A bee visiting a flower
will “discharge” it and subsequent bee visitors can detect the
diminished charge, probably because some of their sensory hairs are not as
strongly attracted to the bloom.
Spider molt & silken platform |
Someone located a leaf that had a silken platform on its surface. When we looked at it with a hand lens we discovered what looked like a dead spider. It was the shed exoskeleton of a spider. Spiders, like other Arthropods, have to periodically molt in order to grow. This is a tricky business for them. Imagine you’re wearing a one-piece suit complete with feet and mittens and buttoned up the back. How would you get out of it without using your hands? It’s the same problem for a spider. The silk platform is a place where the spider can hook its feet so that it can pull its legs out of the exoskeleton sleeves that cover them. A lot of wiggling is involved, but it works. It’s as if that one-piece suit had velcro patches on its hands and feet that could stick to the carpet when you wanted to take it off. During this process the spider’s new exoskeleton is very soft and tender. It takes a while for it to harden. The spider is like a soft-shell crab during this time — very vulnerable. (The soft-shell crab is a crab that has just molted and whose exoskeleton has not yet hardened.) After the exoskeleton hardens the spider is a little larger and ready to hunt for more food.
Sensitive brier (Mimosa
microphylla) has small, spherical red flowers scattered among its
Sensitive brier flower |
stems which scramble across the ground. Like other plants in the Mimosa genus
this one is sensitive to touch. Touch a leaflet and it wilts. Tap it with a
finger and the entire leaf folds up and droops. How is this accomplished? At
the base of each leaflet is a structure called a pulvinus (pl. pulvini). The
cells of the pulvinus are filled with water that makes them plump and rigid. In
that condition they hold up their leaflet. When the leaflet is touched an
electrical signal spreads across the leaflet, much the same as a nerve impulse
in an animal. When this impulse reaches the pulvinus it causes it to release
its water, decreasing the pressure within and the leaflet collapses. That’s how
it works. Why it responds to touch is not really known.
Wild Bergamot (purple form) |
Wild bergamot (Monarda
fistulosa) is common in this part of
Wild Bergamot (red form) |
the ROW. Most of the plants have light
purple flowers but there is one plant that has red flowers. We have seen this
same plant for a couple of years now. (Wild bergamot is a perennial.)
We also found a Common rose pink (Sabatia angularis) growing
near the Monarda.
Many insects and spiders fold or roll leaves to make a
Folded leaf of Redbud |
home that they can either retreat to or feed in. (Think of the fern
leaf ball roller caterpillar we saw earlier this year.) So is was no surprise
when someone noticed a folded
Caterpillar from folded leaf |
leaf on a small Redbud. Carefully opening it we
discovered not one but two small caterpillars. They were light colored with
numerous black rings encircling their bodies. This turned out to be the Redbud
leaffolder caterpillar (Fascista cercerisella); it was identified by Carmen Champaign, a naturalist at the
Sandy Creek Nature Center. You can find her photo of the caterpillar on Pictures of the
adult moth can be seen here.
Folded or rolled leaf shelters can provide protection from parasitic wasps and
other predators, but some animals are capable of using the folded leaves as a
sign of a tasty meal inside. An observer on indicated that two
birds, titmice and chickadees, were seen foraging on folded redbud leaves. When
the leaves were examined after the birds left no caterpillars were present.
Asian multicolored lady beetle |
During our progress up the ROW we also discovered two
beetles, a Japanese beetle and a Ladybug. The Japanese beetle is an introduced
pest of garden plants, beautiful to look at with its iridescent metallic color,
but with horrible manners. The ladybug is an imported species, the Asian multicolored lady beetle (Harmonia axyridis). It is an avid consumer of aphids and related plant pests, but is also implicated in the decrease in our native Lady beetle (Ladybug) populations. A good discussion of its benefits, drawbacks and life history is here.
At this point we turned about and walked down the hill to
Trumpet vine flowers |
lower power line ROW. On the way we paused to look at some plants we saw in
previous weeks: The Trumpet vine with its scarlet flowers that grows up a pine
tree in the company of a truly vigorous Poison Ivy vine, and the Virginia
buttonweed, a sprawling plant with tiny white flowers almost hidden on the
ground among the grasses. This area was recently part of a more formal
perennial garden and we still find some escapees from that horticultural past.
In this case it is Cleome and Spiderwort.
Passing through the gate at the foot of the
Variegated Fritillary |
hill we saw our first
butterfly and it was a beauty — a Variegated Fritillary. This species prefers
to lay its eggs on Passionvine and, sure enough, we found one plant nearby.
(The Fritillary part of the common name is a reference to a plant with a
brownish orange flower spotted with black. Several butterflies have this color
pattern and because of this fanciful similarity have been given the name
Fritillary as part of their common name.)
Several true bugs were seen on the plants in the flood
plain, which prompted Hugh to ask what a true bug is. If you’re interested, my
answer is here.
We found another example of stitching together leaves to provide a shelter. This time it was a spider that had constructed a shelter for its egg case. The spider was long gone, but the shelter contained a mass of webbing and hundreds of tiny baby spider molted exoskeletons. The babies had departed also.
On the floodplain there is a mixture of goldenrod, ironweed
and various wingstems all
Tim admires me holding a Goldenrod bunch gall |
competing for space in the sun. Some of the goldenrod
have an unusual growth at the top. It looks as if their uppermost leaves are
all jammed together. This is the work of a fly, the Goldenrod bunch gall midge (Rhopalomyia
solidaginis). The fly lays an egg
on the topmost leaf of a goldenrod plant. The egg hatches and the larva burrows
into the tip of the plant. The activity of the larva stops the elongation of
the growing tip, but the leaves continue to develop, resulting in a stacked
cluster of leaves, the bunch, at the top of the plant. I attempted to find the
larva in one plant but was unsuccessful. Many times the attacked plant sends
out lateral bud growths from below the bunched leaves. These will develop
flowers later in the season, but not nearly as prolifically as an uninfected plant.
After attempting to
find the larva we decided to adjourn to Donderos’, so we returned to parking
lot and the visitor center where we has the usual snacks and beverages.
Common Name |
Scientific Name |
Carolina Desert Chickory |
Pyrrhopappus carolinianus |
Daisy Fleabane |
Erigeron sp. |
Heal-all |
Prunella vulgaris |
Queen Anne’s Lace |
Daucus carota |
Bitterweed |
Helenium amarum |
Deptford Pink |
Dianthus armeria |
Mountain Mint |
Pycnanthemum incanum |
Dog fennel |
Eupatorium capillifolium |
Horse nettle |
Solanum carolinense |
Sensitive brier |
Mimosa microphylla |
Wild bergamot |
Monarda fistulosa |
Redbud leaffolder |
Fascista cercerisella |
Asian multicolored lady beetle |
Harmonia axyridis |
Canada thistle |
Cirsium arvense |
Common rose pink |
Sabatia angularis |
Trumpet vine |
Campsis radicans |
Poison ivy |
Toxicodendron radicans |
Virginia buttonweed |
Diodia virginiana |
Cleome spider plant |
Cleome hassleriana |
Spiderwort |
Tradescantia sp. |
Variegated fritillary |
Euptoieta claudia |
Goldenrod bunch gall midge Coffee weed Passionvine Common mullein Dog Vomit slime mold Spotted St. John’s wort |
Rhopalomyia solidaginis Senna obtusifolia Passiflora incarnata Verbascum thapsis Fuligo septica Hypericum punctatum |