Our first reading was by Hugh Nourse (from a recommendation
by Jacqueline Elsner, Oconee Co. librarian):
We Could Wish Them A Longer Stay
peach, apple, and pear
And the service tree on the hill
Unfold blossom and leaf.
From them comes scented air
As the brotherly petals spill.
Their tenure is bright and brief.
could wish them a longer stay,
We could wish them a charmed bough
On a hill untouched by the flow
Of consuming time; but they
Are lovelier, dearer now
Because they are soon to go,
Plum, peach, apple and pear
And the service blooms whiter than snow.
from Bow Down In Jericho, 1950, by Byron Herbert Reece, pp. 107-108
Jackie says:
is a perfect Byron Herbert Reece poem for right now. For
reciting a Reece poem, I am partial to the mountain pronunciation of
“service” as in “sar-vice.” He did not have a strong
mountain accent, from recordings of his voice. I don’t know how he pronounced
the name of the tree. But certainly the people in Choestoe would have
pronounced it the mountain way!
Our second reading was read by Don Hunter:
March – Signs of Spring
is a wonderful month of hope. Winters back has been broken and signs of spring
are stirring, though it may still feel cold and dark. The old Roman calendar
had only ten months. January and February weren’t part of it; they were just
called lithe dead season.” March was named by the Romans after Mars, the
god of war and also of vegetation, which is fitting as this was the month that
soldiers went to battle and farmers began planting.
saying “March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb” refers to the
constellations Leo the Lion and Aries the Ram – both are prominent in the March
sky. Also, the weather is often ferocious in early March and gentler at the end
of the month.
is the month to begin looking for signs of new plant life. Go outside and
listen to the chatter of the birds, feel the first warm breezes, smell the damp
earth, and know that here and now, all is right. Be present to the sound of
those birds, that rushing wind, the warming land.
From The Nature Connection, An Outdoor Workbook for Kids, Families, and
Classrooms by Clare Walker Leslie, a nationally known naturalist, artist
and educator.