May 30, 2013, Ramble Report

First, some links to items of interest:

Gary Crider called my attention to this wonderful video
about the 17yr cicadas:

The tree book I referred to today is Natural History of Trees of Eastern and Central North America by Donald Culross Peattie. It is
now, unfortunately, out of print in both the original hardback and paperback
editions. Peattie also wrote a companion volume for the Western NA trees. There
is new hardback edition that combines the two original volumes, BUT – it omits
many of the tree species that Peattie originally included. The two original volumes
totaled over 1000 pages; the new edition is only ~500 pages and it doesn’t tell
you that it is an abridgement! Seek out the paperback originals if you can find
them. (An example: I checked out the table of contents on Amazon and discovered
that this new combined edition omits the Loblolly Pine.)

Links to Peattie book at Barnes and Noble and Amazon.

Todays reading was Advice From a Treeby Ilan Shamir (read by Lili Ouzts):


Tall and Proud.

your Roots deeply into the Earth.

the Light of your own True Nature.

long term.

out on a Limb.

your place among All living beings.

with Joy the changing seasons.

each yields its own abundance:

Energy and Birth of Spring;

Growth and Contentment of Summer;

The Wisdom to let go like leaves in the Fall;

The Rest and Quiet Renewal of Winter.

the wind and the sun and delight in their presence.

up at the moon that shines down upon you and the mystery of the stars at night.

Nourishment from the Good Things in Life.


Earth, Fresh Air, Light.

Content with your natural beauty.

plenty of Water.

your limbs sway and dance in the breezes.


your Roots!

the View!

route: Past the edge of the Dunson Native Plant garden, then on to the White
trail, then the Green trail to the old road and down to the Mimsey Lanier
Center and then following the new road back through the Dunson garden.

had such a large group today that it was hard to remember everything that we saw.
I’m sure I’ve omitted several observations, so please make your additions in
the comments.

the Dunson garden the Black Cohosh (Actaea racemosa) was blooming. (An older
generic name for black cohosh is Cimicifuga,
which literally means bedbug repeller, suggesting that this plant might have
been used to keep bedbugs away from bedding. The plant has other medicinal
properties and is threatened because of over-collecting in the wild.)

the white trail we stopped to look at the leaves of Hop hornbeam (Ostrya
virginiana) and pointed out the difference between it and American Beech.
Hop hornbeam leaves are fuzzy and the edges of the leaves have teeth while beech
leaves are smooth, thin and papery to the touch. Their leaf edges are wavy, not

along the trail we looked at some Spiderworts (Tradescantia sp.) and discovered
the basis for another common name: snotweed. (Break off a leaf or stem and the
sap is sticky and slimy, like Okra.

examined a sapling to refresh our memory of what a compound leaf was and what
the opposite arrangement of leaves looks like. Those of us who have learned our
trees from Dan Williams remembered which tree species have opposite leaves by
reciting the ditty that starts: “MADogs with Beards and Buckeyed Cats. . .” [Maple,
Ash, Dogwood, Old Man’s Beard, Buckeye, Catalpa] We were looking at a Green Ash
(Opposite leaf arrangement, compound leaves with 5 leaflets.)

also found a Redbud that had been worked over by Leaf-cutter bees. These bees
carve semi-circular pieces out of the Redbud leaf and take them back to line
the cavity of their nest where they raise their young. They are not restricted
to using Redbud, but they do seem to favor it.

the green trail we focused on bark characteristics and found several Shagbark
Hickories (Carya sp.) with their flaking bark and Sourwood (Oxydendron arboreum) with its distinctly ridged bark,
crooked trunk growth, long leaves with tapering ends and wonderfully delicious
honey. (The honey, of course, is made by bees from the nectar of the Sourwood

of the girls found a wonderful insect on a decaying log– a Bess Beetle (Odontotaenius disjunctus)! These beetles
have a social life! They care for their young, actually feeding them like human
parents feed their babies (well, maybe not exactly like that, but you get the
idea). They live in small social groups and communicate with each other by
sound. Many of us were able to listen as the captive beetle expressed its alarm
at being restrained. The sound is produced by rubbing the tip of the abdomen
against the hard wing covers. This was a great find!

also discovered an Oak Apple Gall and a snail shell. The gall is made by a wasp
laying an egg in an oak leaf. The leaf produces a large spherical, hollow
structure, about the size of a golf ball, in response to the egg’s presence and
the wasp larva feeds on the leafy tissue safe and snug inside it’s tiny,
spherical house.

We need the sharp young eyes to
find things for us – bring them back often!!

Further on we came across the skeletal remains of an Opossum (Didelphis virginiana) in the middle of the road. The only thing left was some patches of fur and parts of the skull, pelvis and vertebral column, plus a few scattered ribs. Something had a good meal!

old road took us past the Florida Cedar (Torreya taxifolia) recovery location. This plant is sometimes
called Stinking Cedar. Regardless of the name, its existence is threatened so specimens
have been sent to several botanical gardens to insure that the species does not
become extinct. On the other side of the road we found Daisy Fleabane (Erigeron
) in bloom. Judging from the name this might be a plant that repels
insects (fleas perhaps?).

the Lanier Center we found a Red Mulberry(Morus
) with ripening fruit that some of us enjoyed sampling.

stopped to look at the Ash just beyond the mulberry. It is probably a Green
Ash, but the fruits are not mature enough to definitively identify it.

it was back to Donderos’ for our usual coffee and conversation. And – the awarding
of the book. The winner was Kaye Giese who was only one off the secret number.


May 23, 2013, Ramble Report

First we had a reading by Dale Hoyt from Donald
Culross Peattie’s An Almanac for Moderns:

man need not know how to name all the oaks or the moths, or be able to
recognize a synclinal fault, or tell time by the stars, in order to possess
Nature. He may have his mind solely on growing larkspurs, or he may love a boat
and a sail and a blue-eyed day at sea. He may have a bent for making paths or
banding birds, or he may be only an inveterate and curious walker.

I contend that such a fellow has the best out of life -he and the naturalists.
You are ignorant of life if you do not love it or some portion of it, just as
it is, a shaft of light from a nearby star, a flash of the blue salt water that
curls around the five upthrust rocks of the continents, a net of green leaves
spread to catch the light and use it, and you, walking under the trees. You, a
handful of supple earth and long white stones, with seawater running in your

Second I read a short item from Aldo
Leopold’s, A Sand County Almanac, page

there is Draba, beside whom even Linaria [Toadflax] is tall and
ample.  I have never met an economist who
knows Draba, but if I were one I
should do all my economic pondering lying prone on the sand, with Draba at nose-length.

This is personally interesting to me,
since I was an economist from 1959 to 1995, and during the last few years I was
prone on the ground counting Draba, a rare plant at Rock and Shoals Outcrop
Natural Area.  It is only about 6 inches
high and can really only be seen when it goes to seed.  Never did want to think about economics that

Our ramble today was through the
International Garden to the Endangered Plant Area and the Pitcher Plant
Bog.  Then on to the Purple Trail down to
the River.  Connected to the Orange
Trail.  Stopped at the Mountain Laurel
Bluff.  Then the rest of the way on the
Orange Trail to the Upper Parking Lot.

In the Endangered Plant Garden we saw
Indian Pink (Spigelia marilandica),
Nodding Wild Onion (Allium cernuum),
a beardtongue (Penstemon spp.), and Cooly’s
meadow rue (Thalictrum cooleyi).  Overlooking the pitcher plant bog we saw  the leaves of yellow trumpet (Sarracenia flava), and the white topped
pitcher plant (Sarracenia leucophylla),
as well as the flowers of Sweet Pitcherplant (Sarracenia rubra) and Parrot Pitcherplant (Sarracenia psittacina).

Down the Purple Trail, Dale found
Turkeytail mushrooms to admire.  We
showed some new participants the very tall persimmon tree.

At the Middle Oconee River, Wade Seymour
and his crew were moving the trail where three feet of the bank had slipped
into the river after the last high level of the river took it from the bank.

Walked up to see how much of the
beautiful mountain laurel (Kalmia
) was still blooming.  We
once again commented on the way in which the anthers with pollen are spring
loaded in the petals, so that when wind or an insect knock it, the anthers
spring with force and send off the pollen, some of which attaches to the

Moving around the beaver pond, we spent
some time discussing a fern by the boardwalk. 
It is either Sensitive Fern or Netted Chain Fern. The problem is that
the distinctive characteristic to separate them is the fertile frond.  Only last year’s was available.  We decided again that it is probably Sensitive
Fern (Onoclea sensibilis).

A spittle bug was discovered feeding on a
blackberry.  The insect, a leaf hopper,
uses it’s piercing-sucking mouthparts to suck juice from plants. Plant juice is
rich in sugar but low in protein, so the spittle bug has to suck a lot of it to
get the protein it needs to grow. The excess is kicked into a froth, creating
the spittle covering that hides it from parasitic wasps.  Dale uncovered the insect, so all could see

In the beaver pond, Tim Homan pointed out
the leaves of duck potato (Sagittaria

Next we found the leaves of cut leaf
coneflower (Rudbeckia laciniata).  Nearby was the beginning of the many summer
bluets (Houstonia purpurea var. purpurea) that we saw all along the
Orange Trail.

At the stump where the tree fell across
the stream there were several stems of wild yam (Dioscorea villosa) with one in full bloom.

Just past the little bridge over a creek
(that I know as copperhead creek), sweet spire (Itea virginica) was blooming. 
Above it was the fruit of muscle wood (Carpinus caroliniana).  Then
we stopped to admire the broad beech fern (Thelypteris

The last bloom of the day was the wild
garlic (Allium canadense).

We did stop to ask Dale about the huge
number of suckers from the bottom of the trunk of a Tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera).  The tree was dying at the top, so that the
leader was no longer controlling growth. It puts out a hormone that inhibits
new growth lower in the tree.  When the
leader is gone, the inhibition is released and the plant tries to grow
elsewhere.  In this case it will probably
not work because the tulip tree cannot grow in the shade of other trees and the
new stems will probably die.

The next stop was Donderos for food and


May 16, 2013, Ramble Report

Before the walk today Emily and I saw a rather
bedraggled fox on the powerline cut.

We had a very large group today, 23 people.

Jack read a poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge,
“This Lime-tree Bower, My Prison.” 

We started down the walk to the Dunson garden and
stopped by a Bottle-Brush Buckeye to refresh our memory of leaf structure and terminology.
These leaves were palmately compound and they were arranged opposite on the
twig. (Later we would see alternate, pinnately compound leaves when we found
some hickory saplings.) 

Next stop was to examine Witch Hazel Conical Galls.
Earlier Emily and I saw a squirrel helping itself to a nibble of one of the
galls. The tree was well-infested — almost every leaf bore one or more of the
conical structures. They are produced by aphids, which can be seen if you cut a
gall open and examine the hollow interior with a hand lens. Some of the inhabitants
have wings and are capable of flying out to seek out an alternate host plant, a
Birch. The Birch is infested by the aphids in late summer and autumn. They lay
their eggs on the Birch and die. The eggs overwinter, and the new generation of
aphids fly off to find the Witch Hazel in the spring.

At the beginning of the Dunson garden we found
Solomon’s Plume (Smilacina racemosa)
in flower. Further along the path we found two hickory saplings near on another.
These enabled us to see what alternate leaved, pinnately compound leaves look
like. One of the small hickories had a stout, fuzzy petiole and 9 leaflets on
each leaf. This is Mockernut hickory (Carya
); the other had thin, smooth petiole and only 7 leaflets on each
leaf — a not-Mockernut hickory (probably Carya
, Pignut Hickory).

Our big surprise: we found Ashe Magnolia (Magnolia ashei) in bloom. Some
authorities consider this to be a variety of Big-leaf Magnolia (Magnolia macrophylla). Several people
sniffed the huge blossoms with their floppy, elongated petals, each with a
reddish purple blotch on the bottom.

Along the way we examined several ferns: New York
Fern (Thelypteris novaboracensis),
Netted Chain Fern(Woodwardia areolata),
Southern Grape Fern (Botrychium
) and Marginal Wood Fern (Dryopteris
). There were also many fresh leaves of Wild Ginger (Asarum canadense) covering the ground.
The Goldenseal ()  was no longer in
bloom, but many plants had developing fruits. We were also surprised to see a
Waterleaf (Hydrophyllum canadense)
with its maple-like leaves and 
nearly-gone-by flowers. Next to the Birdfoot violets was a flowering
specimen of Fringed Campion (Silene
), a very rare plant that is endangered where ever it is found.

At the bottom of the Dunson garden we noticed that
the Yucca (Yucca filamentosa) had
finally sent up its flowering stalks, but the buds are still tightly closed.
Last year at this time the Yucca were all flowering. These might flower within
the next two weeks.

The wooden fence below the Dunson garden and next to
the road always has some surprises. Today the blackberries were in bloom and
there were a few that had almost ripened. We also found Virgin’s Bower (Clematis virginiana) and Smooth Sumac (Rhus glabra), although they will bloom
much later in the summer. Blooming today were a few plants of Heliotrope (Heliotropium europaeum) with their
curled inflorescence bearing light purple flowers.

Our next stop was through the fence via the powerline
path. The recent rains that produced the immense chorus of Eastern Spadefoot
toads left temporary pools to the right of the path. Earlier Emily and I dipped
out mosquito larvae and pupae to show to everyone. Many people have seen
mosquito “wrigglers,” but few have seen their pupal stage. (Insects
can be divided into two types: those with what is called incomplete
metamorphosis and those with complete metamorphosis. Like butterflies and
moths, mosquitoes have complete metamorphosis — their life cycle includes an
egg, a larval stage, a pupa and, finally, an adult. In butterflies and moths
the larva is called a caterpillar, the pupa a chrysalis or cocoon. With
mosquitoes the larval stage is the wriggler and the pupal stage is, well, the
pupa. The wriggler is a longish organism that hangs from the surface of the
water and, if disturbed, twitches back and forth. The pupa also hangs from the
surface but looks like a small, rounded lump. When it is disturbed it detaches from
the surface and darts around until it tires. Then it floats back to the
surface. The adult mosquito will emerge from the pupa in a few days.

Due to the overcast there were few flowers open on
the path to the river. We managed to find a patch of Venus Looking Glass (Triodanis perfoliata), with pretty
purple flowers, 1 per stem. At the end of the bridge on the White trail we saw
the white flowers of Poison Ivy (Toxicodendron
) open in small inflorescences. 

Then it was back to Donderos’ via the Orange spur
trail where we relaxed with our favorite beverages.


May 9, 2013, Ramble Report

Today we started with a recording of the
Eastern Spadefoot frog calls that occurred in the flood plain at the beginning of the
week.  It really brought back the machine
like calls.  One or two frogs was
interesting, but the chorus was incredible.

Bob Walker brought a reading from Daniel
Chamovitz, WHAT A PLANT KNOWS: A Field Guide to the Senses.  (New York: 
Scientific American/Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, 2012)


The ramble today was long.  Through the Shade Garden out the White Trail
to the power line right of way.  Up the
power line right of way to the fence, along the fence to the white trail again
at the deer fence gate, through to the right, past the radiation control site,
down the hill past the wetlands to the White Trail again.  Then turning right on the White Trail we went
to the Yellow Trail (cutoff), connected up with the White Trail again.  Turning left we followed the White Trail
through the ravine to the Red Trail. 
Going left up the Red Trail, connected up with the White Trail, which we
used to return to the Arbor in the lower parking lot.

The day was gorgeous so everyone lingered
over our finds.  Right in the Shade
Garden were some native plants:  Wild Geranium
(Geranium maculatum), Black Cohosh (Actea racemosa), and Pale Yellow Trillium
(Trillium discolor).  The trillium is
restricted in the wild to the Savannah River drainage.  Next were Piedmont azalea (Rhododendron
).  Followed by the yellow sweet
shrub (Calycanthus floridus) ‘Athens.’ 
Michael Dirr heard of this plant in the Brumby’s yard in the Bedgood
neighborhood in Athens.  He got a cutting
and developed the cultivar we saw today. 
Before leaving the Shade Garden we went by Alumroot (Heuchera villas)
and the sweet spire (Itea virginica).

As we went by the old flower garden we
noted the spiderwort (Trandescantia virginica) and an Iris cultivar blooming.  Where we connected up with the White Trail
coming down from the upper parking lot we found One-flowered Hawthorn
(Crataegus uniflora) in bloom.  At the
power line right of way, we stopped to admire the Southern (or Small’s) ragwort
(Packera anonyma).  Up the right of way we
looked for the Annual Blue-eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium rosulatum), but they
were closed up and hard to see.  Beside
the trail, however, a larger blue-eyed grass (Sisyrinchium sp) prevailed, but
it was also closed up.  The flower of the
day to remember were the robust patches of Nettle-leaf Sage (Salvia
).  It has opposite nettle
like leaves, and blue to lavender petals, two lipped corolla, upper lip hood
like, and a white stripped lower lip with three lobes.   At the relatively dry site where we saw Birdfoot Violet several weeks ago, we discussed the 
lichens:  Dixie reindeer lichen
(Cladonia subtenuis), Pixie Cups (Cladonia chlorophaea). and British Soldiers
(Cladonia cristatella).  Just before
leaving power line, we stopped to discuss Dwarf Cinquefoil (Potentilla
). One can distinguish it from the Common Cinquefoil (Potentilla
) by the fact that Dwarf Cinquefoil’s first flower usually comes off the
axil of the first well developed stem leaf. 
The Common Cinquefoil’s first flower usually comes of the axil of the
second well developed stem leaf.  These
flowers are also known as Five Fingers.

Approaching the radiation site on the other
side of the deer fence, we passed cat’s ears (Hypochaeris radicata).  Going down the hill we talked about the
blackberry in bloom and the ugly Autumn Olive (Eleagnus umbellata) now
considered to be an invasive plant, but which has been extensively used as wildlife
food and cover.  James Miller and Karl
that the fruit provides food for Northern Bobwhite, Mourning Dove, Ruffed
Grouse,Wild Turkey, and numerous songbirds. The fruit is also consumed by Raccoon,
Stripped Skunk, Virginia Opossum, BlackBear, and other mammals.

Dale discussed the spittle bug.  This bugsucks juice from a plant and obtains more than it needs.  The surplus is used as a white foam cover for
the bug to avoid the attack by parasitic wasps.

At the wetland we noted the sedges and
the beginning of cattails and the dried stems of  wool grass (Scirpus cyperinus).  Turning right on the White Trail there was
lyre-leaf sage (Salvia lyrata), summer bluet (Houstonia purpurea).  Needle grass (Piptochaetium avenaceum) was
also in bloom.

Our next stop was for rattlesnake weed
(Hieracium venosum).  Then to the
resurrection fern (Polypodium polypodioides). 
This fern usually grows on trees, but can grow on rocks.  The rock cap fern (Polypodium virginianum)
grows only on rocks.  The distinguishing
characteristic is that the resurrection fern stipe (stem to the first leaf) is
densely scaled, whereas the rock cap fern is smooth and green.  Turning round we found the first of a number
of deer berry (Vaccinium stamineum) shrubs that had just bloomed overnight.   We noted that the leaves of the crane fly
(Tipularia discolor) orchid has now disappeared.  The flower will bloom in the summer.  At the turn for the yellow trail we discussed
whether a tree there is a Red Mulberry or Basswood tree.  The consensus was that it is a Red Mulberry

At the bridge across the ravine
connecting again the yellow trail with the White Trail, Emily and others found
a plant we never did identify.  Here
though we found Solomon plume (Maianthemum racemosa) blooming.  Along this stretch of trail through the
ravine we also saw the fertile fronds bearing sporangia of the Christmas Fern (Polystichum
).  Just before the next
bridge, tucked in beside a tree trunk was giant chickweed (Stellaria pubera).

As we climbed  out of the ravine, green and gold
(Chrysogonum virginianum) was tucked on the backside of a beech tree. After
crossing the power line and returning to the woods we discovered in bud
Pipsissiwa (Chimaphylla maculatum) also known as Spotted Wintergreen.

Turning left up the Red Trail we noted
Rattlesnake Fern (Botrychium virginianum). 
Connected up with the White Trail again. 
Returned to the deer fence, and then scooted back to the Arbor along the
White Trail.

It was way past time for visiting
Dondero’s where we reviewed all the wonderful things we saw.  Gary and other birders did spot several Indigo Buntings and a Bluebird.  They
also heard a Red-eyed Vireo.


May 2, 2013, Ramble Report

We had a large group on this misty, almost drizzly, morning.  Don read an excerpt entitled Extinction by Flowers from The Year of the Moon Goose by T. W. Burger.  We then left the Arbor for the Dunson Native Plant garden to see what changes had occurred since we last visited it.

There were still some Trillium in bloom; especially the Pale Yellow Trillium (T. discolor). There are many of these scattered throughout the garden. We were surprised to see a few bunches of Chattahoochie Trillium (T. decipiens) still in flower. Some Solomon’s Plume (Smilacina racemosa, a.k.a. False Solomon’s Seal) have almost mature inflorescences. Emily noted the differences between this species and “true” Solomon’s Seal (Polygonatum biflorum). The latter has 1-3 flowers hanging below the stem at each leaf axil while Solomon’s Plume has an inflorescence at the end of the stem. The stem of Solomon’s Plume is also more “zig-zaggy”. Also flowering in this part of the garden is False Garlic (Nothoscordum bivalve). Nearby the Early Meadow Rue (Thalictrum dioicum) has lost its flowers, but it looks like some seed will be set. We also noticed that the Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) has appeared, but the flowering stalk is nowhere to be seen as yet. We were also surprised to see a few flowers on the Wild Geranium (Geranium maculatum).

Further along the garden a few Shooting Stars (Dodecatheon meadia) still had rather ratty blossoms, but, for the most part, these have all gone by and only the flowering stalks remain. Scattered through this bed are two color forms of Hairy-stemmed Spiderwort (Tradescantia hirsuticaulis); one has purple flowers, the other,pink. Avis spotted a lonely Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis) flower.

We puzzled over the distinction between Sensitive Fern (Onoclea sensibilis) and Netted Chain Fern (Woodwardia areolata). Discrimination of these two species hinges on whether the pinnae (fern-speak for leaflets) are nearly opposite (Sensitive) or alternate (Netted Chain). Our assessment  of this character seemed to be very subjective and inconclusive. The arrangement of the spore-producing structures on the fertile fronds is also very different between the two species, but the fertile fronds are just beginning to emerge we couldn’t come to any decision. I guess we’ll have to wait until next week.

Another surprise was a group of Birdfoot Violets (Viola pedata), freshly planted. (The Birdfoot Violets we saw two weeks ago on the power line are no longer blooming.)

The Red Buckeye (Aesculus pavia) inflorescences (which bear pale yellow flowers here) are nearly gone.

We also spotted a Strawberry Bush (Euonymus americanus) in bloom. The flowersare green and not nearly as noticeable as the fruit from which the wonderfully evocative regional name, “Hearts-a-Bursting-With-Love,” is derived. If you didn’t get a good look at this flower today it’s worth a separate trip to the garden just to examine them.

As we passed the “tip-up” (the root ball of a fallen tree) we noted the Green-and-Gold (Chrysogonum virginianum) in full flower next to a Yellow Wood Poppy (Stylophorum diphyllum)that has many developing fruits. The juxtaposition of colors and textures of the leaves, flowers and fruits of these two plants is wonderful to look at.

The Mayapple (Podophyllum peltatum) has finished blooming and there are developing fruits on the plants that have two leaves. We also saw Violet Wood Sorrel (Oxalis violacea) – no flowers yet.

At the bottom of the garden we looked for the flowering stalks on the Yucca (Yucca filamentosa), but failed to find any. (Several of the Yucca in our yard have sent up stalks already.)

We then headed up the power line and stopped to look at the more abundant plants of this disturbed area. Due to the overcast sky some were not open but both Field Madder (Sherardia arvensis) with the tiny pink-purple flowers and Low Hop Clover (Trifolium campestre) with the small, yellow clover blossoms were very conspicuous. Barbara asked if the Field Madder could be used to dye cloth, as the name implies. The Wikipedia entry states that its root gives a red color that is inferior to that of true Madder.

The Hop clover is so-named because as the individual florets in the flower head turn brown they resemble dried hops. This plant was introduced to North America from Eurasia as fodder and for soil improvement. Like other clovers, which are legumes, the roots harbor nitrogen-fixing bacteria. This plant-bacteria symbiosis takes nitrogen gas from the air and “fixes” it into nitrogen compounds that are released into the soil when the plant dies.

On the way up the power line we saw many Lyreleaf Sage (Salvia lyrata) in bloom. This is a common plant in the mint family, often seen along roadsides and other disturbed areas. Off to the side someone located Wild Chervil (Chaerophyllum tainturieri) which can be confused with Corn Salad (Valerianella radiata) because both have small clusters of tiny white flowers. But the Chervil has lacy, carrot-like foliage and Corn Salad does not.

Yellow Crownbeard (Verbesina occidentalis) was just starting to come up. The plants are only about one foot tall but the combination of opposite leaves and”wings” on the stem make identification easy. The other two wingstem species that grow in the power line have alternate leaves.

Two exotic trees were seen at the edge of the power line, but we were unable to identify them. Both were flowering. One was almost certainly in the bean family — it had doubly pinnate leaves similar to Honey Locust (Gleditsia sp.)and an inflorescence of large, bright yellow flowers. The other tree was tall, with white flowers high up on the trunk and branches. It had compound leaves lacking the terminal leaflet. This area of the garden is near the old part of the garden that is no longer maintained. It was filled with horticultural varieties and many non-native species. These trees are probably escapees.

The reason for going up the power line was to see an addition to the Garden’s list of species: Annual blue-eyed grass (Sisyrinchium rosulatum). But due to the cool, overcast weather the plants were not cooperating – all the blossoms were tightly closed. This is a very pretty species and worth a visit on a sunny day just to see it.

We returned back to the White trail where two weeks ago we saw the egg of a Tiger Swallowtail butterfly(Papilio glaucus) on the leaf of a Black Cherry (Prunus serotina). That egg has hatched and we saw the caterpillar on the same leaf today. It is only about 1/8 inch in length, dark brown with a white saddle. Some think this is protective coloration and that the caterpillar resembles a bird dropping when it is motionless on a leaf.

As the caterpillar grows it will molt its skin. After the 2nd or 3rd molt the color will change from brown with a white saddle to green with two false eyespots. Then, after two or three more molts it will metamorphose into a chrysalis (the pupal stage) from which the adult butterfly will emerge after a few weeks.

Then it was time to visit Donderos’ for beverages and conversation. It’s a nice day when you see almost 30 species!


April 25, 2013, Ramble Report

The reading today was from John
Burroughs, “Nature Near Home.” The walk was through the International
Garden to the Purple Trail.  Then on to
the Orange Trail to the river bluff with Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia).  After
that we walked the Orange Trail to the upper parking lot to finish.

In the International Garden in the
Endangered Plant area, we discussed the blooming Plum Leaf Azalea (Rhododendron prunifolia).  It is early for it to be blooming.  It’s bloom time is June to September.  Actually, one of the original reasons for
establishing Callaway Gardens was to preserve the habitat for this plant found
in that area. We have seen it at the bottom of the canyons at Providence Canyon
State Park, which is south of Columbus, GA.

Just before the Purple Trail in the
Indian Plant section, we found Mayapple (Podophyllum

We must have missed the blooms of
horse-sugar (Symplocos tinctoria)
which grows on the Purple Trail because the flowers are supposed to come before
the new leaves.  Those new leaves were
just coming out today.

Out the deer fence, we found the leaves
for violet wood sorrel (Oxalis violacea),
as well as green and gold (Chrysogonum
).  At the Oconee River
turning on the Orange Trail, lyre-leaved sage (Salvia lyrata) was blooming. 
Climbing up the bluff along the river we talked about the flowering
mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia).  The anthers are tucked into the petals at the
red mark.  The pollen is dispersed when
the stamen springs out.  It can do it on
its own, or if an insect knocks it.  In
the latter case the pollen is dispersed on the bee or other pollinator.  Surprisingly, the rattlesnake weed (Hieracium venosum) was also in
bloom.  I think of this as a summer
plant, but its bloom time range is April to August!

The Orange Trail from the Oconee River to
the upper parking lot yielded many gems:

Rue anemone (Thalictrum thalictroides) was still blooming after three months.

Sensitive fern (Onoclea sensibilis) which is distinguished by its fertile frond so
different from that of netted chain fern, which we did not see.

Hooked buttercup (Ranunculus recurvatus)

Kidney-leaf (Ranunculus abortivus)

Violet wood sorrel (Oxalis violacea) was blooming in several places.

Jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum)

Cut-leaf coneflower (Rudbeckia laciniata) was only leafing out.

Yellow three parted violet (Viola tripartite)

Wild geranium (Geranium maculatum)

Mayapple (Podophyllum peltatum)

Rattlesnake fern (Botrychium virginianum)

Broad beech fern (Thelypteris hexagonoptera)

Piedmont Azalea (Rhododendron canescens)

Sweet Shrub (Calycanthus floridus)

Lady fern (Athyrium filix-femina)

Common wood sorrel (Oxalis stricta)

Blue star (Amsonia tabernaemontana)

Atamasco lily (Zephyranthes atamasca)

We retired to Donderos for Coffee and
